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Understand the Amazon - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central template general settings

  1. In the Amazon - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central template, go to Settings > General.

  2. On the top-right, from the drop-down menu, select Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

    <<Image to be added>>

  3. Go to Settings > General section.

  4. The below settings are read-only and display the values that you’ve configured while installing the integration:

    • Default Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central company name: This read-only setting displays the default Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central company name that you’ve configured while installing the integration.

    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central tenant ID: This read-only setting displays the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central tenant ID, which is useful for configuring dynamic lookups in mappings.

    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central environment: This read-only setting displays the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central environment.

  5. On the top-right, from the drop-down menu, select the Amazon account with the integration name you provided while installing the template.

  6. Go to Settings > General section.

    <<Image to be added>>

  7. In the Company name setting, you can see the name that you’ve selected while installing the template.

  8. In the Sync sales tax to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central as* setting, choose an option to sync sales tax to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Specify your preference for mapping tax totals between Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Amazon. 

    • Add total tax against a single line item on the order: Choose this option to sync the total tax against a single non-inventory item on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central sales order. 


      To use this setting, ensure that the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central tax engine doesn’t generate any tax amount.

    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central calculates taxes using its own tax engine: Choose this option for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to calculate the taxes using its native tax engine.

  9. In the Sync sales tax to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central as * setting, if you select the Add total tax against a single line item on the order option, the below settings are enabled:

    1. In the Select Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central item to track Amazon order taxes as a line item setting, choose a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central non-inventory item to track your Amazon order total sales tax. The selected item is added as a line item on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central sales order.

    2. Check the Exclude tax if Marketplace Tax Collection applies box to avoid tax collection if you don’t want to bring the tax details to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central sales order for the regions where Amazon collects and remits taxes on your behalf.

  10. Click Save.

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  • I'm getting this error when trying to select an item to track taxes. How do I resolve this? There are no options available to select from. 


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