When you configure an export, import, other type of flow step using the prebuilt Contentful connector, you can select any of the API operations listed below, organized by API type.
If your API endpoint isn’t listed here, switch the flow step to HTTP mode and configure the endpoint provided in the Contentful API documentation. You can also create a composite endpoint for this application in HTTP mode.
Resource |
API endpoint |
Export |
Import |
Access tokens: Access token |
Get a single access token |
X |
Access tokens: Access tokens collection |
Get all access tokens |
X |
Create a personal access token |
X |
Access tokens: Admin view access tokens collection |
Get all access tokens |
X |
Access tokens: Token revoking |
Revoke an access token |
X |
API keys: Delivery API key |
Get a single delivery API key |
X |
Update a single delivery API key |
X |
Delete a single delivery API key |
X |
API keys: Delivery API keys collection |
Get all delivery API keys |
X |
Create a delivery API key |
X |
API keys: Preview API key |
Get a single preview API key |
X |
API keys: PreviewAPI keys collection |
Get all preview API keys |
X |
App access grants: Access grant |
Delete one access grant |
X |
App access grants: Access grants collection |
Query access grants of a app definition |
X |
Create one access grant |
X |
App action calls: App action call |
Trigger an action |
X |
App action categories: Get all app action categories |
Get app action categories |
X |
App actions: App action |
Read an action |
X |
Update an action |
X |
Delete an action |
X |
App actions: App actions collection |
Get all actions of an app |
X |
Create an action |
X |
App actions: App actions of environment |
Get all actions of an environment |
X |
App bundles: App bundle |
Get one app bundle |
X |
Delete an app bundle |
X |
App bundles: App bundles collection |
Get all app bundles |
X |
Create a new app bundle |
X |
App definitions: App definition |
Get one app definition |
X |
Update an app definition |
X |
Delete an app definition |
X |
App definitions: App definitions collection |
Get all app definitions |
X |
Create a new app definition |
X |
App details: App details |
Get app details |
X |
Create or update app details |
X |
Delete app details |
X |
App event subscriptions: App event subscription |
Get an app event subscription |
X |
Update or subscribe to events |
X |
Delete an app event subscription |
X |
App installations: App installation |
Get one app installation |
X |
Install or update an app |
X |
Uninstall an app |
X |
App installations: App installations collection |
Get all app installations |
X |
App installations: App installations for organization |
Get all installations of an app within an organization |
X |
App keys: App key |
Get one app key |
X |
Delete an app key |
X |
App uploads: App upload |
Get one app upload |
X |
App uploads: App uploads collection |
Creating an app upload |
X |
Asset keys: Asset key |
Create an asset key |
X |
Assets: Asset |
Get a single asset |
X |
Create/update an asset |
X |
Delete an asset |
X |
Get a single asset |
X |
Assets: Asset archiving |
Archive an asset |
X |
Unarchive an asset |
X |
Assets: Asset processing |
Process an asset |
X |
Assets: Asset publishing |
Publish an asset |
X |
Unpublish an asset |
X |
Assets: Assets collection |
Get all assets of a space |
X |
Create an asset |
X |
Get all assets of a space |
X |
Assets: Published assets collection |
Get all published assets of a space |
X |
Bulk actions: Bulk action |
Fetch bulk action |
X |
Bulk actions: Publish bulk action |
Publish bulk action |
X |
Bulk actions: Un publish bulk action |
Unpublish bulk action |
X |
Bulk actions: Validate bulk action |
Validate bulk action |
X |
Content model templates: Create an environment template |
Create an environment template |
X |
Content model templates: Delete an environment template |
Delete an environment template |
X |
Content model templates: Environment templates |
Get all environment templates |
X |
Content model templates: Install a template in the environment |
Install a template in the environment |
X |
Content model templates: Return a collection of all installations of an environment template |
Return a collection of all installations of an environment template |
X |
Content model templates: Return a collection with all the install at ion objects for a given template |
Return a collection with all the installation objects for a given template |
X |
Content model templates: Return a version of an environment template |
Return a version of an environment template |
X |
Content model templates: Return all versions of an environment template |
Return all versions of an environment template |
X |
Content model templates: Return one environment template |
Return one environment template |
X |
Content model templates: Update an environment template |
Update an environment template |
X |
Content model templates: Validate a template version for installation |
Validate a template version for installation |
X |
Content model templates: Validate the latest template version for installation |
Validate the latest template version for installation |
X |
Content types: Activated content type collection |
Get all activated content types of a space |
X |
Content types: Content model |
Get the content model of a space |
X |
Content types: Content type |
Get a single content type |
X |
Create a content type |
X |
Update a content type |
X |
Update a content type with validations |
X |
Update a content type with field ID |
X |
Delete a content type |
X |
Get a single content type |
X |
Content types: Content type activation |
Activate a content type |
X |
Deactivate a content type |
X |
Content types: Content type collection |
Get all content types of a space |
X |
Create a content type |
X |
Editor interface: Editor interface collection |
Get all editor interfaces of a space |
X |
Entries: Entries collection |
Get all entries of a space |
X |
Create an entry |
X |
Get all entries of a space |
X |
Entries: Entry |
Get a single entry |
X |
Create an entry |
X |
Update an entry |
X |
Patch an entry |
X |
Delete an entry |
X |
Get a single entry |
X |
Entries: Entry archiving |
Archive an entry |
X |
Unarchive an entry |
X |
Entries: Entry publishing |
Publish an entry |
X |
Unpublish an entry |
X |
Entries: Entry references |
Get entry references |
X |
Entries: Published entries collection |
Get all published entries of a space |
X |
Entry comments: Comment |
Get a single comment |
X |
Delete a comment |
X |
Update a comment |
X |
Entry comments: Entry comments collection |
Get all comments of an entry |
X |
Create a comment |
X |
Entry tasks: Assigned tasks collection |
Get all tasks that are assigned to you |
X |
Entry tasks: Entry tasks collection |
Get all tasks of an entry |
X |
Create a task |
X |
Entry tasks: Task |
Get a single task |
X |
Delete a task |
X |
Update a task |
X |
Environment aliases: Environment alias |
Get a single environment alias |
X |
Create/ update an environment alias |
X |
Delete an environment alias |
X |
Environment aliases: Environment alias collection |
Get all environment aliases of a space |
X |
Environments: Environment |
Get a single environment |
X |
Create an environment with ID |
X |
Create an environment with ID from a specified environment |
X |
Update an environment |
X |
Delete an environment |
X |
Environments: Environment collection |
Get all environments of a space |
X |
Create an environment |
X |
Create an environment from a specified environment |
X |
Groups: Group |
Get a single group |
X |
Update a single group |
X |
Delete a single group |
X |
Groups: Groups collection |
Get all groups in the organization |
X |
Create a group |
X |
Invitations |
Get a single invitation |
X |
Create an invitation |
X |
Delete an invitation |
X |
Links: Links to a specific item |
Links to a specific item/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Links: Retrieval of linked items |
Retrieval of linked items/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Locales: Locale |
Get a locale |
X |
Update a locale |
X |
Deleting a locale |
X |
Locales: Locale collection |
Get all locales of a space |
X |
Create a locale |
X |
Get all locales of a space |
X |
Localization: Retrieve localized entries |
Query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Native external references: Resource |
Get all resources in an environment |
X |
Native external references: Resource provider |
Get a resource provider |
X |
Create a resource provider |
X |
Delete a resource provider |
X |
Native external references: Resource type |
Get a resource type |
X |
Create a resource type |
X |
Delete a resource type |
X |
Native external references: Resource type collection |
Get all resource types |
X |
Native external references: Resource type collection in environment |
Get all resource types in an environment |
X |
Organization memberships |
Get all organization memberships |
X |
Get a single organization membership |
X |
Create an organization membership |
X |
Update organization membership |
X |
Delete organization membership |
X |
Organizations: Organization |
Get an organization ID an admin or owner has access to |
X |
Put an organization ID an admin or owner has access to |
X |
Organizations: Organizations collection |
Get all organizations an account has access to |
X |
References across spaces: Create the field type in a content type |
Create the field type in a content type |
X |
References across spaces: Create the field values in entries |
Create the field values in entries |
X |
References across spaces: Update the field type in a content type |
Update the field type in a content type |
X |
References across spaces: Update the field values in entries |
Update the field values in entries |
X |
Update the field values in entries |
X |
Releases: Archived release |
Archive release |
X |
Unarchive release |
X |
Releases: Published release |
Publish release |
X |
Unpublish release |
X |
Releases: Release |
Get single release |
X |
Update release |
X |
Remove release |
X |
Releases: Release action |
Get single release actions |
X |
Releases: Release actions |
Query release actions |
X |
Releases: Validate release |
Create validation release action |
X |
Resource Links: Retrieval of linked resource Links |
Retrieval of linked resource links/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Retrieval image |
Retrieve an image |
X |
Roles: Role |
Get a single role |
X |
Update a single role |
X |
Delete a single role |
X |
Roles: Roles collection |
Get all roles |
X |
Create a role |
X |
Scheduled actions: Cancel as scheduled action |
Cancel a scheduled action |
X |
Scheduled actions: Create a scheduled action |
Create a scheduled action |
X |
Scheduled actions: Get a scheduled action |
Get a scheduled action |
X |
Scheduled actions: Scheduled actions collection |
Get all scheduled actions of an entry |
X |
Scheduled actions: Update a scheduled action |
Update a scheduled action |
X |
Search parameters: Array equality inequality |
Array equality inequality / query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Array with multiple values |
Array with multiple values / query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Content type |
Content type / query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Content type |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Equality operator |
Equality operator/query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Equality operator |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Exclusion |
Exclusion/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Existence |
Existence/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Filtering assets by MIME type |
Query assets |
X |
Search parameters: Full text search |
Text search/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Full text search on a field |
Text search on a field/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Inclusion |
Inclusion/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Inequality operator |
Inequality operator/query entries |
X |
Query entries with inequality operator |
X |
Search parameters: Limit |
Limit/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Links to asset |
Query entries linked to asset |
X |
Search parameters: Links to entry |
Search parameters/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Location proximity search |
Location proximity search/query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Locations in a bounding object |
Query entries in a bounding object |
X |
Query entries in a bounding object |
X |
Search parameters: Order |
Order/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Order with multiple parameters |
Order with multiple parameters/query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Ranges |
Ranges/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Reverse order |
Query entries in reverse order |
X |
Search parameters: Search on references |
Search on references |
X |
Search on references |
X |
Search parameters: Select operator |
Select operator/query entries |
X |
Query entries |
X |
Search parameters: Skip |
Skip / query entries |
X |
Skip / query entries |
X |
Security contacts: Security contact |
Update an organization security contact |
X |
Delete an organization security contact |
X |
Security contacts: Security contacts collection |
Get an organization security contacts |
X |
Post an organization security contacts an admin or owner has access to |
X |
Snapshots: Content type snapshot |
Get a snapshot of a content type |
X |
Snapshots: Content type snapshots collection |
Get all snapshots of a content type |
X |
Snapshots: Entry snapshot |
Get a snapshot of an entry |
X |
Snapshots: Entry snapshots collection |
Get all snapshots of an entry |
X |
Space enablements: Get all space enablements for an organization |
Get all space enablements for an organization |
X |
Space enablements: Manage enablements for a given space |
Get the enablements for a space |
X |
Update the enablements for a space |
X |
Space members |
Get all space members in a space |
X |
Get a single space member |
X |
Space memberships |
Get all space memberships in a space |
X |
Get all space memberships in an organization |
X |
Get a single space membership |
X |
Get a single space membership with organization ID |
X |
Create a space membership |
X |
Update a space membership |
X |
Delete space membership |
X |
Space memberships: Space membership |
Get a single space membership |
X |
Update a single space membership |
X |
Delete a single space membership |
X |
Space memberships: Space memberships collection |
Get all space memberships |
X |
Create a space membership |
X |
Spaces: Space |
Get a space |
X |
Get a space |
X |
Update a space name |
X |
Delete a space |
X |
Get a space |
X |
Spaces: Spaces collection |
Get all spaces an account has access to |
X |
Create a space |
X |
Synchronization: Initial synchronization |
Initial synchronization/query entries |
X |
Synchronization: Initial synchronization of entries of a specific content type |
Synchronization/query entries |
X |
Synchronization: Pagination and subsequent syncs |
Pagination and subsequent syncs/query entries |
X |
Synchronization: Structure of deleted entities |
Query deleted entries |
X |
Query deleted assets |
X |
Tags: Querying content based on a set of tags |
Retrieve entries or assets that match a specific set of tag values |
X |
Tags: Querying content based on one or more tags |
Retrieve entries or assets that match at least one of the specified tag values |
X |
Tags: Querying content based on the tag presence |
Check the presence of a tag on entries or assets |
X |
Tags: Querying tags |
Query tag by visibility |
X |
Tags: Tag |
Get a single tag |
X |
Get a single tag |
X |
Create a tag |
X |
Update a tag |
X |
Delete a tag |
X |
Get a single tag |
X |
Tags: Tag collection |
Get all tags |
X |
Tags: Tags on entries and assets |
Get a single entry |
X |
Add a tag to an entry |
X |
Remove a tag from an entry |
X |
Get a single entry |
X |
Taxonomy: Ancestors |
Get ancestors of a concept |
X |
Taxonomy: Concept |
Get a concept |
X |
Update a concept |
X |
Delete a concept |
X |
Taxonomy: Concept collection |
Get concepts |
X |
Taxonomy: Concept scheme |
Get a concept scheme |
X |
Update a concept scheme |
X |
Delete a concept scheme |
X |
Taxonomy: Concept scheme collection |
Get concept schemes |
X |
Taxonomy: Concepts on entries |
Add a concept to an entry |
X |
Remove a concept from an entry |
X |
Taxonomy: Create a concept |
Create a concept |
X |
Taxonomy: Create a concept scheme |
Create a concept scheme |
X |
Taxonomy: Descendants |
Get descendants of a concept |
X |
Taxonomy: Querying content based on a set of concepts |
Retrieve entries that match a set of concepts values |
X |
Taxonomy: Querying content based on one or more concepts |
Retrieve entries that match at least one of the specified concepts values |
X |
Taxonomy: Querying content based on one or more concepts and their descendants |
Querying content based on one or more concepts and their descendants |
X |
Taxonomy: Taxonomy concepts on entries |
Get a single entry |
X |
Taxonomy: Taxonomy on content types |
Get a single content type |
X |
Taxonomy on content types / add a concept or concept scheme to a content type |
X |
Remove a concept or concept scheme from a content type |
X |
Get a single content type |
X |
Taxonomy: Total concept schemes |
Get number of concept schemes |
X |
Taxonomy: Total concepts |
Get number of concepts |
X |
Team memberships |
Get all team memberships in a team |
X |
Get all team memberships in an organization |
X |
Get a single team membership |
X |
Create team membership |
X |
Delete team membership |
X |
Team space memberships |
Get all team space memberships in a space |
X |
Get all team space memberships in an organization |
X |
Get a single team space membership |
X |
Create a team space membership |
X |
Update a team space membership |
X |
Delete a team space membership |
X |
Teams |
Get all teams for an organization |
X |
Get all teams for a space |
X |
Get a single team |
X |
Create a team |
X |
Update a single team |
X |
Delete a team |
X |
Teams for a space: Teams collection |
Get all teams for a space |
X |
UI config: User UI config |
Get the user UI config |
X |
Update the user UI config |
X |
UI extensions: Extension |
Get a single extension |
X |
Create/update an extension |
X |
Delete an extension |
X |
UI extensions: Extensions collection |
Get all extensions of a space |
X |
Create an extension |
X |
Uploads: Deleting an upload |
Delete an upload |
X |
Uploads: Retrieving an upload |
Retrieve an upload |
X |
Uploads: Upload a file |
Upload a file/creating an upload resource |
X |
Usage: Organization usage |
Get organization usage |
X |
Usage: Space usage |
Get space usage |
X |
Users |
Get all users in organization |
X |
Get all users in a space |
X |
Get a single user |
X |
Get all environment templates |
X |
Users: User |
Get the authenticated user |
X |
Get a single user |
X |
Update a single user |
X |
Update a single user with patch |
X |
Delete a single user |
X |
Users: Users collection |
Get all users in the organization |
X |
Create a user |
X |
Webhook calls: Webhook call details |
Get webhook call details |
X |
Webhook calls: Webhook call overview |
Get an overview of recent calls |
X |
Webhook calls: Webhook health |
Get webhook health |
X |
Webhook security: Webhook signing secret |
Get a webhook signing secret |
X |
Create a webhook signing secret |
X |
Delete a webhook signing secret |
X |
Webhooks: Webhook |
Get a single webhook |
X |
Create/update a webhook |
X |
Delete a webhook |
X |
Webhooks: Webhooks collection |
Get all webhooks of a space |
X |
Create a webhook |
X |
Workflow comments: Workflow comment |
Create a workflow comment |
X |
Workflow comments: Workflow comments collection |
Get all comments of a workflow |
X |
Workflow comments: Workflow versioned comments collection |
Get all comments of a specific workflow version |
X |
Workflow definitions: Workflow definition |
Get one workflow definition |
X |
Update a workflow definition |
X |
Delete a workflow definition |
X |
Workflow definitions: Workflow definitions collection |
Get all workflow definitions |
X |
Create a workflow definition |
X |
Workflows: Workflow |
Update a workflow |
X |
Workflows: Workflow completion |
Complete a workflow |
X |
Workflows: Workflows collection |
Create a workflow |
X |
Workflows: Workflows query |
Query workflows |
X |
Article is closed for comments.