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Non-production environments and Integration Lifecycle Management (ILM)


This feature is available in accounts created after January 28, 2025, and accounts created before January 28, 2025 with no Sandbox subscription. Multiple environments in accounts created before January 28th with a sandbox subscription will be available in March 2025.

Adding non-production environments while using Integration Lifecycle Management (ILM) allows you to develop, test, and push your integration changes quickly and securely. We highly recommend adding non-production environments to improve your development lifecycle if you use ILM regularly.

Why add non-production environments to your lifecycle

Traditionally, in the Celigo platform, you'd create multiple integrations in the same environment. While this works in cases where you don't have many integrations, it may get confusing if you only have one or two environments and multiple versions of the same integration (like development, QA, or other integration versions). With multiple non-production environments, you can easily separate all your development, test, and production integrations into different environments to keep track of all the stages of your lifecycle. It also helps mitigate situations where you accidentally pull changes to your production integration.

Create a new environment


This feature is available in accounts created after January 28, 2025, and accounts created before January 28, 2025 with no Sandbox subscription. Multiple environments in accounts created before January 28th with a sandbox subscription will be available in March 2025.

Your first, original environment is always your Production environment. Any newly created environments are considered non-production environments. You must be in your Production environment to create a new environment. Additionally, all newly created environments are disabled by default. 

  1. Click your account profile at the upper right-hand corner of the page.

  2. Click Environments from the dropdown.

  3. Click + Create environment on the right-hand side of the page.

  4. Add a Name and Description.


    Be descriptive with your environment's name and description. For example, try NetSuite QA or NetSuite Development Sandbox instead of just QA or Test.

  5. If you're using API Management, add your Environment prefix for APIM. This prefix is used to generate the Developer portal and API gateway URLs. You can change this later, but it may cause issues, as your API consumers are not notified of the change. Learn more about API Management and non-production environments.

Examples: Managing integrations in non-production environments

Below are various examples:

One integration lifecycle in two environments

In this example, you're creating a development environment, creating an integration and flows, cloning the integration into Prod, and pulling changes from development to Prod.

  1. Create your non-production environment as referenced above. In this example, we've created a Development environment. Now you have your original Production environment and your newly created Development environment for a total of two environments.

  2. Create an integration and create your flows in your new, non-production environment. In this example, it's a development integration in the Development environment.

  3. After you've developed your integration, you can clone it into your Production environment. Remember, for ILM specifically, you cannot clone a singular flow. You must clone the entire integration.

  4. Pull your changes from your Development environment to your Production environment.


One integration lifecycle in three environments

In this example, you're creating a development and QA environment, creating an integration and flows in Dev, cloning the integration into QA, cloning the integration from QA to Prod, and pulling changes from development to QA, then Prod.

  1. Create your non-production environment as referenced above. In this example, we've created a Development and QA environment. Now you have your original Production environment and your newly created Development and QA environments for a total of three environments.

  2. Create an integration and create your flows in your new, non-production environment. In this example, it's a development integration in the Development environment.

  3. After you've developed your integration, you can clone it into your QA environment. Remember, for ILM specifically, you cannot clone a singular flow. You must clone the entire integration.

    Then, clone your QA integration into your Prod environment. Now you have a daisy-chained integration and can make changes from Dev to QA and QA to Prod. You cannot pull from Dev directly to Prod.


    If you clone your integration from Development directly to Prod, you won't be able to create the daisy-chained development lifecycle later by adding a second non-production environment. If you clone from Dev to Prod, you can't add a QA environment and integration later and move changes from Dev to QA to Prod since the clones will be distinct.

  4. Pull your changes from your Development environment to your QA environment.


    Then, pull from QA to Prod.

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