When you run the NetSuite Order to Amazon (MCF) Order Add flow, all the eligible order line items (pending fulfillment) are synced from your NetSuite account to your Amazon account based on the NetSuite saved search criteria. The order line items are created in Amazon so that they can be fulfilled using the Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment service. In addition, the shipment information gets automatically generated for each line item inside Amazon.
Once the NetSuite order is created in Amazon, the AMAZON MCF ORDER EXPORTED checkbox is checked (marked as true) in NetSuite under Sales Order > Etail > Amazon. This flag prevents the creation of already created NetSuite orders.
After you install the integration app, two NetSuite saved searches (Celigo Amazon MCF Order Export Search) are automatically created in your NetSuite account. The first saved search is locked, acts as a template for your reference, and automatically appears in the NetSuite Order to Amazon (MCF) Order Add flow. You can choose to customize the other saved search.
In NetSuite, enter Celigo Amazon MCF Order Export Search in the search bar. You will see two saved searches one is locked and the other is unlocked. You can edit the unlocked saved search and use it in your flow with a predefined or modified name. Alternatively, you can edit the locked saved search and save the modified saved search with a different name.
When customizing the saved search, the location criteria is used (in most cases) to fetch orders for fulfillment using Amazon MCF. You can modify the location and select the location from which orders will be fulfilled in the Location field in the Criteria tab of the saved search.
To configure and execute the NetSuite Order to Amazon (MCF) Order Add flow:
Go to Settings > Order.
Select a saved search in the NetSuite saved search for syncing orders setting.
Click Refresh (
) to get a list of all the saved searches from your NetSuite account.
Enter the internal id of the NetSuite field that will hold the Id of the MCF Order (required only if you are not using the default field “eTail Order Id”) in the NetSuite Order Id field setting.
Map the shipping methods between NetSuite and Amazon using the Map Ship Methods accordion.
Select the shipping methods in Amazon in the Amazon Ship Method setting. Click Refresh (
) adjacent to the setting if no options are displayed when you click on the setting.
Select the shipping method in the NetSuite Ship Method setting. This selection will be mapped to the selection made in the Amazon Ship Method setting. Click Refresh (
) adjacent to the settings if no options are displayed when you click on the setting.
If no match is found for the shipping method values entered in the Amazon Ship Method and NetSuite Ship Method settings, you can use one of the options in the Action to take if unique match not found setting to select and map the shipping method:
Fail record: Select this option if you want an error message to be displayed when a new value is selected in the Amazon Ship Method setting and a corresponding value is not selected in the NetSuite Ship Method setting.
Use Empty String as Default Value: Select this option when you want to use the empty string as default value. If this option is selected, records with empty values (no shipping method has been selected) will be synced without any error message being displayed. If the shipping method is required to be selected (which is usually the case in NetSuite), then this option should not be selected.
Use Null as default value: Select this option if you wish to use null as default value. If this option is selected, records with null values (for example, records where data is entered by pressing the spacebar key on the keyboard or junk data has been entered) will be synced without any error message being displayed. If the shipping method is required to be selected (which is usually the case in NetSuite), then this option should not be selected.
Use Custom Default Value: Select this option when a shipping method is not mapped in the Map Ship Methods accordion and you want NetSuite to assign the shipping method to the selected default value in this option. If this option is selected, the Default Lookup Value setting will appear. You need to select the default value from the options available in the drop-down list. The options that appear in the Default Lookup Value setting need to be created in NetSuite.
Enable the NetSuite Order to Amazon (MCF) Order Add flow.
You can schedule the flow to sync data automatically for bulk orders. The frequency to sync the data automatically for bulk orders can be customized using presets from 15 minutes to once a week or by selecting a duration of your choice. To know how to schedule the order data flow, see Scheduling flows.
Click the Edit Mappings icon (icon) and verify, update, or add field mappings to the flow.
To know the fields that can be mapped for the flow, see the POST_FLAT_FILE_FULFILLMENT_ORDER_REQUEST_DATA section of the FBA feeds attributes article in the Amazon Selling Partner API documentation. You can also refer to the actual flat file (v2) template available with you.
Click Save & close to save the changes made to the field mappings.
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