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How to retrieve Square Order ID, Location ID, and Refund ID

To use the “On-demand order sync” and “On-demand refund sync” settings, you need to mention the orders and refunds in the following format:

  • For orders: “Locationid-orderid”
  • For refunds: “Locationid-refundid”

You can find the order ID, refund ID, and location ID in the Square order and refund URL.

For Orders

  1. Log in to your Square account.
  2. On the top-left side, click Top_Left_Menu_Icon.png.
  3. Click Transactions.
  4. Click on the appropriate order transaction.
  5. In the URL, you can find the order ID and location ID.

For Refunds

  1. Log in to your Square account.
  2. On the top-left side, click Top_Left_Menu_Icon.png.
  3. Click Transactions.
  4. Click on the appropriate refund transaction.
  5. In the URL, you can find the refund ID and location ID.
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