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Configure and run flows in the Magento 2 – Acumatica quickstart integration template

Additional record mapping is required to integrate the template’s exports and imports with your Magento 2 and Acumatica apps.

Note that all of your flows are disabled when first installed. After configuring the flows, you may enable them in your Flows dashboard or in Flow Builder with the Off/On toggle button. then run or schedule each flow.

Acumatica sales orders to Magento 2 orders

The flow syncs the sales order from Acumatica as orders in Magento 2. The flow creates order in Magento 2 only if a matching order is not found. If a matching order is found, the flow ignores the order. This flow also adds and updates the customer record.

  • The flow does not support updating orders.
  • The items in Acumatica and Magento 2 should be the same.

Before you run the flow, configure the following:

  • Configure the following mappings per your business needs in “Magento 2 orders import:”
    • entity.base_currency_code
    • entity.customer_group_id
    • entity.items.product_type
    • entity.items.store_id
    • entity.state
    • entity.store_name
    • entity.total_qty_ordered
  • Configure dynamic mappings for the following fields:
    • entity.items[*].product_id
    • entity.items[*].product_type
  • Configure the following static mappings per your business needs: 
    • entity.shipping_description
    • entity.extension_attributes.shipping_assignments[*].shipping.method
    • entity.extension_attributes.shipping_assignments[*].shipping.address.region_id
    • entity.billing_address.region_id
    • entity.payment.method
    • entity.status
    • entity.order_currency_code

Acumatica customers to Magento 2 customers 

The flow syncs the customers from Acumatica to Magento 2. The flow creates a customer record in Magento 2 only if no matching record is found. If an existing customer record is found in Magento 2, the flow ignores the existing record. This flow adds and ignores the customer record in Magento 2 by email. 

Configure the following mappings per your business needs:

  • static mapping: customer.addresses[*].region.region_id
  • dynamic mapping:
  • other mapping: customer.website_id

Acumatica inventory receipt to Magento 2 inventory

This integration flow exports inventory receipts from Acumatica to inventory records in Magento 2, when a new inventory receipt is created in Acumatica.

Flow details

  • Export source: Acumatica
  • Import destination: Magento 2
  • Built-in export: Get Acumatica inventory receipt – get all inventory receipts from Acumatica that have been created since this flow last ran.
  • Built-in lookup: Get Acumatica inventory receipt by ID – get an inventory receipt from Acumatica by ID.
  • Built-in lookup: Get Magento 2 product by sku – get a product from Magento 2 by sku.
  • Built-in import: Update Magento 2 inventory – update inventory into Magento 2 with itemid as the lookup identifier.

Before you begin

The Magento 2 Product SKU and Acumatica Inventory ID should be the same.

Field mappings: Update Magento 2 inventory

Acumatica items to Magento 2 products

The flow syncs the items from Acumatica as products in Magento 2. The flow searches the matching items in Magento 2 by the product SKU. if no matching item is found, the flow creates a new product in Magento 2. If a matching item is found, the flow updates the existing product in Magento 2.

Configure the following mappings per your business needs:

  • product.attribute_set_id
  • product.extension_attributes.stock_item.is_in_stock
  • product.type_id

Acumatica shipments to Magento 2 shipments

The flow syncs the shipments from Acumatica to Magento 2. The flow fetches all added shipments from Acumatica using the shipment number to Magento 2 shipments.

Flow details

  • Export source: Acumatica
  • Import destination: Magento 2
  • Built-in export: Get Acumatica shipments – get all shipments from Acumatica that have been created since this flow last ran.
  • Built-in lookup: Get Acumatica shipment by shipment number – get a shipment from Acumatica by shipment number.
  • Built-in lookup: Get Acumatica sales order by order number– get a sales order from Acumatica by order number.
  • Built-in lookup: Get Magento 2 order items – get all order items from Magento 2 by the order ID.
  • Built-in import: Import Magento 2 shipments – add shipments to Magento 2.

Before you begin

  • Sync Magento 2 orders to Acumatica orders. The Magento 2 order_ID should be stored as an External reference field in Acumatica.
  • The Magento 2 item name and the Acumatica item name should be the same.

Acumatica sales invoices to Magento 2 invoices

The flow syncs the sales invoice from Acumatica as an invoice in Magento 2. The flow fetches the sales invoice from Acumatica using the ReferenceNbr value.

To sync the data, ensure the following:

  • The orders in Magento 2 and Acumatica must match.
  • The Magento 2 order ID should be stored as External Reference in Acumatica.
  • Create a custom field on Invoice record type in Acumatica to store Invoice ID of Magento 2. 
  • Configure a mapping for capture per your business needs. 

Acumatica customer refunds to Magento 2 refunds 

The flow syncs the Acumatica customer refunds as refunds in Magento 2. The flow fetches all the payments and sales orders from Acumatica by its ID and type.

To sync the data, ensure the following:

  • Magento 2 orders and Acumatica sales orders should be the same. 
  • Magento 2 order ID should be stored as ExternalRef value in Acumatica sales orders. 
  • An invoice should be present in Magento 2 for creating a refund. 

Acumatica sales order cancellation to Magento 2 order cancellation

The flow syncs the canceled orders from Acumatica to Magento 2. The flow fetches all the canceled orders from Acumatica and updates the order status accordingly in Magento. The flow updates the canceled orders by the external reference number.

To sync the data, ensure the following:

  • Orders must match in Acumatica and Magento 2.
  • The order ID in Magento 2 should be stored as External Reference in Acumatica sales orders. 

Magento 2 orders to Acumatica sales orders

The flow syncs the Magento 2 orders into Acumatica as sales orders. The flow creates a sales order in Acumatica only if a matching order is not found in Acumatica. This flow also adds and updates the customer record.

Note: This flow does not support updating orders.

To sync the data, ensure the following:

  • The SKU of Magento 2 item and InventoryID in Acumatica should match.
  • In Acumatica, set the ShipVia Calculation Method to Manual.
  • For the customer record type, only a single customer address book is synced to Acumatica. 

Before you run the flow, configure the following:

  • The payment (PaymentMethod.value) and shipping (ShipVia.value) methods are static lookup mappings. Configure them according to your requirement in the Magento 2 orders to Acumatica sales orders > Field Mappings > Import Acumatica sales orders.
  • Configure the following mappings per your requirements in Acumatica customers (Guest) import mapping:
    • Status.value, 
    • CustomerClass.value, 
    • CustomerName.value 
    • StatementCycleID.value 
  • Configure the following mappings in Acumatica sales order import:
    • OrderType.value
    • BillToAddressOverride.value
    • BillToContactOverride.value
    • ShipToAddressOverride.value
    • ShipToContactOverride.value
    • Details[*].ManualDiscount.value

Magento 2 customers to Acumatica customers

The flow syncs the customers from Magento 2 to Acumatica. The flow creates a customer record in Acumatica only if no matching record is found. If an existing customer record is found in Acumatica, the flow updates the existing record. This flow adds and updates the customer record in Acumatica by ID.

Before you run the flow, configure the following mappings:

  • Configure static map for State in mapping per your requirements.  
  • Configure multi-field for CustomerName.value and MainContact.Address.AddressLine1.value
  • Configure mapping for Status.value, CustomerClass.value, StatementCycleID.value, BillingContactSameAsMain.value, ShippingAddressSameAsMain.value, ShippingContactSameAsMain.value, and BillingAddressSameAsMain.value in Acumatica customers import mapping per your requirements.

Magento 2 orders cancellation to Acumatica sales orders cancellation

The flow syncs the canceled orders from Magento 2 to Acumatica. The flow fetches all the canceled orders from Magento 2 and updates the order status accordingly in Acumatica.

Before you run the flow, configure the following mappings:

  • dynamic mapping: OrderNbr
  • order type and status
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