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Square-NetSuite release notes v0.0.6-1, September 2020


What’s enhanced

Updated Square permissions 

While you install the integration app, you can find the following required Square permissions:


Important: The above-updated list of Square permissions are applicable only to the new installations. There is no impact on the existing installations. If required, the existing customers can re-authorize the Square connection to configure the above Square permissions. 

Note: Additional Square permissions that are not required for the current integration flow functionality are removed as part of this enhancement. 

What’s fixed

Sync correct processing fee to NetSuite if there are multiple Square orders and refunds

When you run the “Square Order to NetSuite Cash Sale” and  “Square Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund” flows to sync multiple Square orders and refunds, the “total processing fee” is now synced correctly from Square to NetSuite.

Refund flow to process “other charge” and “service” item types without any errors

The “Square Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund” flow now supports to process refunds successfully for the “other charge” and “service” item types without any errors. 

Calculate available quantity for refund correctly without any errors

The “Square Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund” flow now calculates the “quantity available for refund” and the “quantity required to be refunded” for any number of quantities without any errors. 

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