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Square-NetSuite release notes v0.0.6, May 2020

Information: You can find the release notes for May 2020 here.

What's enhanced

Oauth 2.0 based authentication

You can now set up your Square connection using the Oauth 2.0 authentication type. For more information on how to set up your connection, refer here.

Note: Square does not allow production-server connections using the token-based authentication offered in the current version of

Auto-assign inventory detail to the Serialized/Lot Numbered items for Square cash sale and cash refund records

If you have Serialized/Lot Numbered items, it is mandatory to provide inventory details to create any posting transaction. When you select the Auto-assign inventory detail to Lot Numbered/Serialized items box in the General tab and if your order has Serialized/Lot Numbered items, the “Square Order to NetSuite Cash Sale Add” flow automatically assigns the inventory details. The flow assigns the inventory detail of the Serialized items based on the lowest internal ID and the Lot Numbered items based on the recent expiry date from the desired location. The “Square Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund Add” flow assigns back the inventory details from the cash sale record.

Track gift card redemption amount as a separate line item on the NetSuite cash sale

A new setting NetSuite item to track Square gift card redemption as a line item is added to the Order > Advanced Settings > Order tab. This setting allows you to track the gift card refund amount against a non-inventory or payment item. 

For orders

When you redeem your gift card while placing an order in Square, the NetSuite cash sale record shows the gift card amount as a separate line item with a negative (-) amount.

In the “NetSuite item to track Square gift card redemption as a line item” option,

  • If you select an item, and if a gift card redemption exists, the selected item is displayed as a separate line item with a negative (-) amount in NetSuite cash sale record.
  • If you do not select an item, then a separate line item is not displayed in the NetSuite cash sale record.

For refunds

The NetSuite cash refund record displays a separate line item with a negative (-) amount based on the cash sale record. When you refund an order in Square that is paid using a gift card, 

  • If the cash sale record has a separate line item, the same item is displayed as a separate line item with a negative (-) amount in the NetSuite cash refund record equal to the gift card redeemed amount.
  • If the cash sale record does not have a separate line item, then a separate line item is not displayed in the NetSuite cash refund record.
  • To track the net amount, use the item selected in the “NetSuite item to track Square gift card redemption as a line item” option.
  • Only if the “Square Tenders to Netsuite Custom Payments” flow is enabled, it handles the gift card refund transactions.

Assign inventory status details for Square inventory 

The integration app now assigns inventory status for a line item that has different statues. To assign inventory detail, you have to configure subrecord mappings to the following flows:

  • Square Order to NetSuite Cash Sale Add 
  • Square Refund to NetSuite Refund Add

For more information, refer here.

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