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Upload a file or record as multipart/form-data

Some application APIs expect requests to be submitted with the media type multipart/form-data. For example, the Jira Cloud platform REST API requires uploading a file attachment as a POST request with multipart/form-data content.

In, whether you are connecting to an HTTP- or REST-based application, you can upload content that requires multipart/form-data content using an HTTP import. Unlike an app-specific import, in which you must select a connector for that endpoint, in a universal HTTP import, you can create or select a connection to any app – provided it uses the HTTP or REST communication protocol.

Importing multipart/form-data content requires additional steps to specify the file or field to be synced, as described below.

A: Create an HTTP connection

  1. In Flow Builder , click Add destination/lookup.

  2. Select HTTP from the Application list.

  3. Continuing in the Create destination/lookup pane, select Transfer files into destination application to answer What would you like to do?

  4. If you have already created an HTTP connection to the destination application, and the Application details section of that connection is correctly configured for multipart/form data, proceed to Create the transfer. Otherwise, click + to create your Connection.

  5. Enter a uniquely identifiable Name for the connection.

  6. Enter the Base URI.

  7. In the Media type field, click Multipart/form-data.

  8. In Override media type for success responses, click JSON.

  9. In Override media typefor error responses, click JSON.

  10. In the Configure authentication section, enter the authentication information for the platform to which you're transferring files. For instructions on all possible authentication settings, see the HTTP section.

  11. Click Save & Close.

  12. With your new connection created, click Next.

B. Create the transfer

The new import opens in the Create transfer pane, so you can customize its settings. At a minimum, before saving, fill in the required fields:

  • Name: a unique value by which you can identify this import later

  • HTTP method: usually POST for a multipart/form-data HTTP import

In the section Where would you like the files transferred?, select POST for the HTTP method.


C. Build the request body

Click the pencil icon (pencil_handlebars.svg) next to the HTTP request body field to open the Build HTTP request body Advanced Field Editor.

The AFE allows you to provide the body for the multipart/form-data request.


Enter your record into the Type your handlebars template here field. Part 1: JSON request body form contains the template you can use to create your data structure. Refer to your application’s API guide for the expected body request.


  • The multipart/form-data body can have only one file reference in each import.

  • Do not include the boundary. will automatically add it once the data is sent.

  • The following example demonstrates the name attribute for each part.

Example: Send multipart/form-data in two parts

In the following example, you send the multipart/form-data in two parts. The request body form can include only the attachment (Part One) and/or optional JSON data (Part Two).


Check out this QuickBooks example request body in practice. The only relevant part of the QuickBooks example is the section on Attaching a note to an object request body. All you need to do is configure the request body form. will handle the rest.

JSON request body form

Below is an example multipart/form-data body. Every example body form must include the name, value, and type, but it's best practice to check your application's API requirements before sending the data.

Table 1. JSON request body form attributes






inline is used when you need to add JSON to send with your binary data (file/attachment).

attachment is used to designate that an attachment is included.


The value attribute holds the content you'll include in the request body form. It's the body of the part.

If the type is attachment use the object ID retrieved from a previous fetch. You can use a handlebars string variable, like {{blob}}.

If the type is inline and you need to add a JSON object to the value field instead of a single value, you need to use: {{{ jsonEncode  (  jsonSerialize field)}}} . For example, you need to add a JSON object to the value field if you’re using a handlebar to add the ID.


Optional field (include extension if used in the request body.)


optional field


  • The default encoding for "type ": " inline " is UTF-8.

  • If you use the optional filename field in the request body of a blob import, you must include the filename extension in the field value (example: " filename ": " docName. json", " filename ": " docName. csv", " filename ": " docName.pdf", etc.)

The code block below displays the request body form with the three required fields (name, value, and type) and some additional fields.

  { // part 1 of multipart/form-data body
    "name": <string>,
    "value": <string>, // body of the part. Reference handlebars string var., such as {{blob}}
    "type": "inline||attachment", // default is "inline";
                                  // Using "attachment" indicates that the "value" field contains a file. 
    "filename": <string>, // optional field (include extension if used in request body.)
    "mime-headers": { // optional field
      <header1 name - string>: <header1 value - string>,
      <header2 name - string>: <header2 value - string>,
  { // part 2 of multipart/form-data body

If the API requires you to send additional fields along with the file in the form data, you can include these fields as name and value pairs as follows:

          "type": "attachment"

Example value body (serialized)

Below is an example serialized JSON object. In this case, the data is serialized because it uses a JSON object, and you're using the following handlebar to add the ID: {{data._PARENT.Quickbooks_Bill_Id}}

"{\"AttachableRef\": [{\"EntityRef\": {\"type\": \"Bill\",\"value\": \"{{data._PARENT.Quickbooks_Bill_Id}}\"}}],\"ContentType\": \"image/jpg\",\"FileName\": \"{{split data.file '/' 5}}\"}"
Un-serialized data
   "AttachableRef": [{
      "EntityRef": {
          "type": "Bill",
          "value": "{{data._PARENT.Quickbooks_Bill_Id}}"

Parts 1 and 2 using Quickbooks bill attachment

Below is an example of a filled-in request body. This example sends a QuickBooks bill attachment. Note that because the value field used a JSON object instead of a single value, the data was serialized.

  {// part 1 of multipart/form-data body
    "name": "file_metadata_0",
    "value": "{\"AttachableRef\": [{\"EntityRef\": {\"type\": \"Bill\",\"value\": \"{{data._PARENT.Quickbooks_Bill_Id}}\"}}],\"ContentType\": \"image/jpg\",\"FileName\": \"{{split data.file '/' 5}}\"}", // body of part 1
    "type": "inline",
     "mime-headers": { // optional field
      "content-type":"application/json; charset=UTF-8"
  {// part 2 of multipart/form-data body
    "filename": "{{split data.file '/' 5}}",
    "type": "attachment",
     "mime-headers": {
] processing and sending the data

After processes the file, it configures and sends the data to the application. Do not include the boundary string since adds that automatically. This configuration is not available in audit logs, so you won’t be able to see this version of the data. Below is an example of the processed and sent data:

  --YOjcLaTlykb6OxfYJx4O07j1MweeMFem //boundary string
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file_metadata_01"; filename="attachment.json"
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

   "AttachableRef": [
      "EntityRef": {
      "type": "Invoice",
      "value": "95"
   "FileName": "receipt_nov15.jpg",
   "ContentType": "image/jpg"
--YOjcLaTlykb6OxfYJx4O07j1MweeMFem //boundary string
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file_content_01"; filename="receipt_nov15.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
<insert base-64 encoded file content here>
--YOjcLaTlykb6OxfYJx4O07j1MweeMFem-- //boundary string

Example file upload: Jira Cloud platform

This tutorial imports an attachment per Jira’s requirements:

  • This resource expects a multipart post....

  • In order to protect against XSRF attacks, because this method accepts multipart/form-data, it has XSRF protection on it. This means you must submit a header of X-Atlassian-Token: no-check with the request; otherwise, it will be blocked.

  • The name of the multipart/form-data parameter that contains attachments must be "file" .

It assumes that you have a working flow with the following configuration:

Use the following steps to set up your Jira import:

  1. Open the Edit Transfer page for the Jira import.

  2. Configure following settings:

    1. HTTP method: POST

    2. Relative URI: <existing path in your Jira app>

    3. Configure HTTP headers: X-Atlassian-Token (name) and no-check (value)

    4. Override request media type: Do not override

  3. Click edit (pencil_handlebars.svg) to open the Build HTTP request body editor.

  4. Edit the body to include the variables for your file:

        "name": "file",
        "value": "{{blob}}",
        "type": "attachment",
        "filename":"upload_attachment {{timestamp}}"
  5. Click Save, then expand the Advanced section from the Edit transfer page.

  6. Enter the Blob key path for your file.

  7. Run the flow, and check your Jira account to verify the results.

See another example:

Example: Send multipart/form-data for OpenAI

This example sends an HTML document to OpenAI. Note that because the value field used a JSON object instead of a single value, the data was serialized.

"name": "open ai file import",
"_connectionId": "******",
"ignoreExisting": false,
"ignoreMissing": false,
"oneToMany": false,
"sandbox": false,
"http": {
"relativeURI": ["/files"],
"method": ["POST"],
"body": [ // part 1 of multipart/form-data body
"[\n {\n \"name\": \"file\",\n \"value\": \"<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html>\\n<head>\\n <title>Sample HTML Page<title>\\n<head>\\n<body>\\n <h1>Hello, World!</h1>\\n <p>This is a sample HTML page.</p>\\n</body>\\n</html>\",\n \"type\": \"inline\",\n \"mime-headers\": {\n \"Content-Disposition\": \"form-data\",\n \"content-type\": \"text/html\",\n \"filename\": \"My_File3\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"purpose\", \n \"value\": \"assistants\", \n \"type\": \"inline\" \n }\n]"
"headers": [
"name": "content-type",
"value": "multipart/form-data"
], // part 2 of multipart/form-data body
"batchSize": 1,
"sendPostMappedData": true,
"formType": "http"
"adaptorType": "HTTPImport"

D. Advanced settings

Add your blob key path in the advanced settings. When you use to sync documents, attachments, images, etc. (i.e. raw blob data) you first need a blob export defined in your flow to get the raw blob data from an external application and into storage. You then need to make sure that you have a response mapping on your blob export for the blobKey value that returns whenever blob data is successfully stored in Assuming these two things have been done, use this field to indicate the JSON path where you mapped the blobKey value in your data, and then will use the blobKey value to get the file out of storage and transfer it to the import application.


E. Test your import

Finally, run the flow and test your import.

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Date Votes
  • Quite helpful to understand multipart-form/data. Is an XML payload supported as well in the body? 

  • Thanks for helping us to clarify and assist other readers, Bhushan Rane. Yes indeed, you may import XML-formatted records. 

  • Hello Stephen,

    I did the same but I got from this error and I don't know why 

    (The body does not have valid data required for multipart/form-data request. Details=Invalid json string provided for body.)
  • Hi, Alaa Okby. I started a support ticket so that our team can try to look at the data you're submitting. (I'll keep an eye on it to see if anything in this article might have misled you.)

    I would hope that the field editor might have alerted you to any JSON syntax errors, so there is probably an issue elsewhere in your flow – or perhaps something unique in your destination app's requirements. 

  • actually, the error prevents me from saving the module so that is before running the flow.

  • We had a use case where there were additional attributes that needed to be sent along with the main attachment/blob, in this case we figured each unique attribute had to be a name value pair shown below. 

    "name": "UploadFile",
    "value": "{{blob}}",
    "type": "attachment"
    { "name": "signature", "value" : "{{{record.signatureOnly}}}"},
    { "name": "clientApp", "value" : "{{record.signatureData.0.clientApp}}"},
    { "name": "dbname", "value" : "{{record.signatureData.0.dbname}}"}

  • Hello Bhushan,

    I tried it and it worked but what are the new attributes for? as I don't have these attributes in my record data.



  • Hi All,

    With {{blob}} , I believe is just the raw data of the file.

    Can I just do {{base64Decode blob}} to encode it and upload it into our custom system?

    What other attributes are available for us to use?



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