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Understand the Stripe payout variance transactions

A variance transaction can occur when there's a mismatch between the order totals in Stripe and NetSuite. It could also be because the orders were not found in NetSuite. In NetSuite, all the order and transaction details that cause variance are reported in the “Stripe Payout Variance Transaction” tab. 

Find order & transaction details

In NetSuite, all the order and transaction details that cause variance are reported on the Deposit record below the “Payout” tab. The reason for a variance can be:

  • If any of the payout related records such as cash sale, customer deposit, cash refund, or customer refund is not available in NetSuite, it leads to a “Missing transaction.”
  • If there is an order total mismatch in Stripe and NetSuite, then the difference is tracked as a variance transaction with type as “Amount Mismatch.”

Minimize missing transactions

To minimize the number of missing transactions, use the “Lag to bring payout related records” setting in your Integration App. This gives you some buffer to create posting transactions (cash sale, customer deposit, cash refund, or customer refund) for the order before you run the “Stripe payout to NetSuite payout custom record” flow. This setting helps you to reduce the missing transactions. 

Correct your variance transactions

With type “Missing Transaction”

For this variance transaction type as the Source transaction ID is known, perform the following steps:

  1. Import or create the respective transaction to NetSuite using the integration flows. 
  2. In NetSuite, open the appropriate deposit record and click Edit.
  3. In the Payments tab, select the check box next to the newly imported or created transaction.
  4. In the “Other Deposits” or “Cash Back” tab, edit the variance amount.
  5. Click Save.
  6. On the Deposit record, go to “Payout” tab.
  7. Click Edit next to the missing transaction.
  8. From the Actions list, click Delete.

With type “Amount Mismatch” 

Note: Make a note of the “Amount Mismatch” transaction from the “Payout” tab.

Step 1: Undeposit the transaction

  1. In NetSuite, open the appropriate deposit record and click Edit.
  2. In the Payments tab, uncheck the box next to that appropriate “Amount Mismatch” transaction. 
  3. Click Save.

Step 2: Match the transaction total

  1. Modify the NetSuite transactions to match the transaction total in Stripe and NetSuite.

Step 3: Re-deposit the transaction

  1. In the Payments tab, select the check box next to the edited transaction.
  2. In the “Other Deposits” or “Cash Back” tab, edit the variance amount.
  3. Click Save.

Step 4: Delete the transaction

  1. On the Deposit record, go to “Payout” tab.
  2. Click Edit next to the missing transaction.
  3. From the Actions list, click Delete.
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