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Magento 2 - NetSuite release notes v1.29.4, February 2021

What’s new

Integration app is now available in the EU marketplace

The Integration App is now available in the EU ( marketplace to provide infrastructure and compliance support for our European Union customers and partners. This expansion is particularly useful for organizations where data residency considerations previously made it difficult to use the Integration App.

What’s fixed

Filter websites based on the selected Magento 2 instance during item sync

When you sync items to NetSuite, the following flows now filter the websites based on the selected Magento 2 instance:

  • NetSuite Item to Magento Product Add/Update
  • NetSuite Kit Item to Magento Bundle Product Add/Update
  • NetSuite Matrix Item to Magento Configurable Product Add/Update

Sync NetSuite price levels to product price without any error

When you run the NetSuite Item to Magento Product Add/Update flow, the NetSuite price level for syncing product price setting (Settings > Product) now syncs the NetSuite price levels to Magento 2 product price without any errors.

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