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Clone mappings and setting values between stores within the BigCommerce integration tile

You can now clone the existing integration app setting values and mappings from one store to another within the BigCommerce integration tile. This utility provides you the feasibility to set the base store and destination stores as per your business needs. You can overwrite the setting values and mappings from the base store to the selected stores within the integration tile. You can also choose to ignore the clone feature for any specific stores, settings, or mappings. You can run the cloned flows to any account. It is not mandatory that you can only run flow in the integration app tile in the same account where the cloning template is installed. 

  • As of now, the cloning utility can be installed from the marketplace. In the future, it is pipelined to be available via the platform.
  • You can clone your Integration App setting values and mapping from one base store to one or many stores within the same integration tile using the Clone BigCommerce - NetSuite Integration App template for the US and EU marketplaces.

The integration does not allow you to sync the following components:

  • Saved searches
  • Any customizations in your NetSuite account
  • Sync data from one integration tile to another tile (including sandbox to production and vice versa).
  • Any installed add-ons.

Install the template utility

  • Be sure that the required stores (base store and destination store) are already installed in the existing integration app.
  • Before you set up your connection, ensure to generate an access token at the account level with full access from Resources > API Tokens.
  • Be sure to check the Developer mode checkbox in My Account > Profile.
  1. Login to your account
  2. On the left menu, click Marketplace.
  3. Click BigCommerce
  4. On the Clone BigCommerce - NetSuite template, click Install.
    You can preview the components that are packaged as part of the selected integration.
  5. On the “Install template” window, click Install now.
  6. Read the Disclaimer, and accordingly click Proceed.
    You will be navigated to configure your connection.

Set up your connection

  1. After you installed the template, you will be navigated to the setup page. On the setup page, next to the connection, click Click to Configure
  2. You can choose to set up either a new connection or an existing connection.
    1. If you choose to Use Existing Connection, select the connection from the drop-down list.
    2. If you choose to Setup New Connection, proceed with the below next steps.
  3. Enter your connection name.
  4. Select the appropriate region as per your business from the Region drop-down list.
  5. Enter the access token generated at the account level with full access from Resources > API Tokens.
  6. It is recommended to retain the Advanced Settings and Custom Settings as is.
    Important: In the Advanced Settings, ensure to select the value of the Concurrency level setting as “1.
  7. Test the connection and click Save.
    Note: If an error is displayed while testing the connection, re-check your details, otherwise contact Celigo Support.

Understand the custom settings tab

You can find the custom settings in the “Settings” tab. You will find the following details:

  • Integration ID: By default, the integration ID is mentioned here that needs to be replaced. Enter the integration app ID in which you want to perform the cloning.
  • Base store name: Enter the base store name. You can change the base store name as per the available stores in your integration tile.
  • Stores to be ignored: By default, the value of this setting is empty. If you wish to ignore the cloning for any of the stores, mention the store name in this setting. If you do not mention any store name in this setting, the settings and mappings are cloned from the source store to all the other stores.
    Note: Enter the input details in an array format.
  • Mappings not to be replaced: Below this, specify the mappings you don’t want to sync to the other integration stores. By default, few mandatory mappings are specified. All the mappings are segregated below their respective import. The mappings are further segregated as “body-level” and “line-level.” Each list type will have its own grouping. For non-list (root level), the mappings are mentioned as body-level.  See the image below.
    Note: In the “MappingsNotToBeReplaced” setting, enter the internal ID of the fields from the backend code. You can find the actual field names from /imports/<import ID>. As per the import.json, for body-level mappings, refer to the fields at the body level and for the line-level mappings, refer to the fields in any of the lists.
  • Settings to be ignored: Specify the label names that should not be cloned to the other integration stores. By default, all the settings related to saved searches, GST/VAT, and primary lookup criteria (to sync customers) are specified. As per your business needs, you can specify any other setting names that should not be cloned to the other store.
    Example: If you don’t want to clone the tax code to the other stores, you can add that appropriate setting label name Default tax code when no match is found in NetSuite in this section.

Run the integration flows

Note: Be sure to first run the “Sync base store setting values to other stores” flow.

  1. Next to the respective flow, click on the toggle button, to enable the “Sync base store setting values to other stores” and “Sync base store mappings to other stores” flows.
  2. Click Run.
    Note: The “Sync base store mappings to other stores” flow automatically runs after the  “Sync base store setting values to other stores” flow, as it is a sequenced flow.
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