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Set up a connection to SAP SuccessFactors

SAP SuccessFactors is a cloud-based human capital management system that helps organizations manage their HR processes, from recruitment and employee onboarding to performance management and workforce analytics. It provides a unified platform for optimizing workforce productivity and engagement.

Set up a connection

This video demonstrates creating a SAP SuccessFactors connection.

After you start the connection, configure it in the Create connection panel and complete all of the required * authentication settings: 

Setting Instructions
Name your connection * Enter a clear and distinguishable name.
Throughout imports and exports, you will have the option to choose this new connection. A unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting it from a list of the connections in your account.
Base URL *

Enter your SAP SuccessFactors account base URL.
For example, if your account URL is , then is your base URL. For detailed information, see List of SAP SuccessFactors API servers.

Client ID *

Enter your SAP SuccessFactors account client ID.

Fetch data How to retrieve the client ID 

Company ID *

Enter your SAP SuccessFactors account company ID.

Fetch data How to retrieve the company ID 

User ID *

Enter your SAP SuccessFactors account user ID.

SAML assertion *

Paste your SAML assertion. Multiple layers of protection, including AES 256 encryption, are in place to keep your assertion safe. When editing this connection, you must re-enter this value each time; it is stored only when the connection is saved and never displayed as text.

While registering an application, you can download the private key provided with your OAuth 2.0 client application’s X.509 certificate. Use the private key to generate a SAML assertion via the terminal. For detailed information, see How to generate SAML assertion for SAP SuccessFactors API.

Tip: This connector documentation describes only the settings shown for the Simple view. For the corresponding HTTP settings, see OAuth 2.0 auth universal connector documentation.

  1. Sign in to your SAP SuccessFactors account.

  2. Navigate to Admin center > Tools > Manage OAuth2 client applications.

  3. Click + Register client application.

  4. Enter the Application name and Application URL.

  5. Click Generate X.509 certificate.

  6. Click Register. You will be redirected to the Manage OAuth2 client applications page.

  7. Click the registered application and copy the API key (client ID).

client id sap.png
  1. Sign in to your SAP SuccessFactors account.
  2. Click Profile avatar > Show version information.
  3. Copy Company ID.
sap comoany id.png
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