When you configure an export, import, or other type of flow step using the prebuilt SAP SuccessFactors connector, you can select any of the API operations listed below*, organized by API type.
If your API endpoint isn’t listed here, switch the flow step to HTTP mode and configure the endpoint provided in the SAP SuccessFactors API documentation. *You can also create a composite endpoint for this application in HTTP mode.
Resource |
API endpoint |
Export |
Import |
Employee central payroll: employeepayroll runresultsitems |
Get entities from employee payrollrunresultsitems |
X |
Get entity from employee payrollrunresultsitems by key |
X |
Add new entity to employee payrollrunresultsitems |
X |
Update entity in employee payrollrunresultsitems |
X |
Employee central payroll: employeepayrollrunresults |
Get entities from employee payrollrunresults |
X |
Get entity from employee payrollrunresults by key |
X |
Add new entity to employee payrollrunresults |
X |
Update entity in employee payrollrunresults |
X |
Compensation information: onetimededuction |
Get entities from onetime deduction |
X |
Get entity from onetime deduction by key |
X |
Compensation information: recurringdeductionitem |
Get entities from recurring deductionitem |
X |
Get entity from recurring deductionitem by key |
X |
Compensation information: emppaycomprecurring |
Get entities from emppaycomp recurring |
X |
Get entity from emppaycomp recurring by key |
X |
Compensation information: deductionscreenid |
Get entities from deduction screenid |
X |
Get entity from deduction screenid by key |
X |
Compensation information: recurringdeduction |
Get entities from recurring deduction |
X |
Get entity from recurring deduction by key |
X |
Compensation information: empcompensation |
Get entities from emp compensation |
X |
Get entity from emp compensation by key |
X |
Compensation information: emppaycompnonrecurring |
Get entities from emppay compnonrecurring |
X |
Get entity from emppay compnonrecurring by key |
X |
Advances: advancesinstallments |
Get entities from advances installments |
X |
Get entity from advances installments by key |
X |
Advances: advanceseligibility |
Get entities from advances eligibility |
X |
Get entity from advances eligibility by key |
X |
Advances: advancesaccumulation |
Get entities from advances accumulation |
X |
Get entity from advances accumulation by key |
X |
Advances: advance |
Get entities from advance |
X |
Get entity from advance by key |
X |
Foundation: folegalentitylocalusa |
Get entities from folegalentity localusa |
X |
Foundation: fodepartment |
Get entities from fodepartment |
X |
Foundation: territory |
Get entities from territory |
X |
Foundation: fopaygrade |
Get entities from fopaygrade |
X |
Get entities from fopayrange |
X |
Foundation: periods |
Get entities from periods |
X |
Foundation: budgetgroup |
Get entities from budgetgroup |
X |
Foundation: folocation |
Get entities from folocation |
X |
Foundation: fojobclasslocalusa |
Get entities from fojob classlocalusa |
X |
Foundation: fodivision |
Get entities from fodivision |
X |
Foundation: focostcenter |
Get entities from focostcenter |
X |
Foundation: payscaletype |
Get entities from payscaletype |
X |
Foundation: payperiod |
Get entities from payperiod |
X |
Foundation: payscalegroup |
Get entities from payscalegroup |
X |
Foundation: paycalendar |
Get entities from paycalendar |
X |
Foundation: fojobcode |
Get entities from fojobcode |
X |
Foundation: payscalelevel |
Get entities from payscalelevel |
X |
Employment information: empemployment |
Get entities from empemployment |
X |
Get entity from empemployment by key |
X |
Employment information: empemploymenttermination |
Get entities from empemployment termination |
X |
Get entity from empemployment termination by key |
X |
Employment information: empworkpermit |
Get entities from empworkpermit |
X |
Get entity from empworkpermit by key |
X |
Employment information: empjobrelationships |
Get entities from empjob relationships |
X |
Get entity from empjob relationships by key |
X |
Employment information: empjob |
Get entities from empjob |
X |
Get entity from empjob by key |
X |
Personal information: peremergencycontacts |
Get entities from peremergency contacts |
X |
Get entity from peremergency contacts by key |
X |
Personal information: persocialaccount |
Get entities from persocialaccount |
X |
Get entity from persicialaccount by key |
X |
Personal information: perphone |
Get entities from perphone |
X |
Get entity from perphone by key |
X |
Personal information: perpersonal |
Get entities from perpersonal |
X |
Get entity from perpersonal by key |
X |
Personal information: perperson |
Get entities from perperson |
X |
Get entity from perperson by key |
X |
Personal information: perpersonrelationship |
Get entities from perperson relationship |
X |
Get entity from perperson relationship by key |
X |
Personal information: peremail |
Get entities from peremail |
X |
Get entity from peremail by key |
X |
Personal information: hrisemergencyc ontactaddressdeflt |
Get entities from hrisemergency contactaddressdeflt |
X |
Get entity from hrisemergency contactaddressdeflt by key |
X |
Personal information: pernationalid |
Get entities from pernationalid |
X |
Get entity from pernationalid by key |
X |
Personal information: peraddressdeflt |
Get entities from peraddressdeflt |
X |
Get entity from peraddressdeflt by key |
X |
Master data replication status: employeedata replicationconfirmation errormessage |
Get entities from employeedatareplication confirmationerrormessage |
X |
Get entity from employeedatareplication confirmationerrormessage by key |
X |
Add new entity to employeedatareplication confirmationerrormessage |
X |
Master data replication status: employeedata replicationelement |
Get entities from employeedata replicationelement |
X |
Get entity from employeedata replicationelement by key |
X |
Master data replication status: employeedata replicationnotification |
Get entities from employeedata replicationnotification |
X |
Get entity from employeedata replicationnotification by key |
X |
Add new entity to employeedata replicationnotification |
X |
Master data replication status: employeedata replicationconfirmation |
Get entities from employeedata replicationconfirmation |
X |
Get entity from employeedata replicationconfirmation by key |
X |
Add new entity to employeedata replicationconfirmation |
X |
Position management: position |
Get entities from position |
X |
Get entity from position by key |
X |
Add new entity to position |
X |
Update entity in position |
X |
Position management: positionentity |
Get entities from positionentity |
X |
Get entity from positionentity by key |
X |
Position management: positionrequisitionstatus |
Get entities from position requisitionstatus |
X |
Get entity from position requisitionstatus by key |
X |
Add new entity to position requisitionstatus |
X |
Update entity in position requisitionstatus |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundcommunity |
Get entities from background_community |
X |
Get entity from background_community by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_community |
X |
Update entity in background_community |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundcourses |
Get entities from background_courses |
X |
Get entity from background_courses by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_courses |
X |
Update entity in background_courses |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundbenefitselection |
Get entities from background_benefit selection |
X |
Get entity from background_benefit selection by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_benefit selection |
X |
Update entity in background_benefit selection |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundoutside workexperience |
Get entities from background_outside workexperience |
X |
Get entity from background_outside workexperience by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_outside workexperience |
X |
Update entity in background_outside workexperience |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundpromotability |
Get entities from background_promotability |
X |
Get entity from background_promotability by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_promotability |
X |
Update entity in background_promotability |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundfsaelection |
Get entities from background_fsaelection |
X |
Get entity from background_fsaelection by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_fsaelection |
X |
Update entity in background_fsaelection |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundcompensation |
Get entities from background_compensation |
X |
Get entity from background_compensation by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_compensation |
X |
Update entity in background_compensation |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundmemberships |
Get entities from background_memberships |
X |
Get entity from background_memberships by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_memberships |
X |
Update entity in background_memberships |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundfuncexperience |
Get entities from background_funcexperience |
X |
Get entity from background_funcexperience by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_funcexperience |
X |
Update entity in background_funcexperience |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundawards |
Get entities from background_awards |
X |
Get entity from background_awards by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_awards |
X |
Update entity in background_awards |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundeducation |
Get entities from background_education |
X |
Get entity from background_education by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_education |
X |
Update entity in background_education |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundinside workexperience |
Get entities from background_insidework experience |
X |
Get entity from background_insidework experience by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_insidework experience |
X |
Update entity in background_insidework experience |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundpreferrednextmove |
Get entities from background_preferred nextmove |
X |
Get entity from background_preferred nextmove by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_preferred nextmove |
X |
Update entity in background_preferred nextmove |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundlanguages |
Get entities from background_languages |
X |
Get entity from background_languages by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_languages |
X |
Update entity in background_languages |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundcertificates |
Get entities from background_certificates |
X |
Get entity from background_certificates by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_certificates |
X |
Update entity in background_certificates |
X |
Employee profile: backgroundsysscorecard development objectivesportlet |
Get entities from background_sysscorecard developmentobjectivesportlet |
X |
Get entity from background_sysscorecard developmentobjectivesportlet by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_sysscorecard developmentobjectivesportlet |
X |
Update entity in background_sysscorecard developmentobjectivesportlet |
X |
Employee profile: background varpayemphistdataecsource |
Get entities from background_varpayemphist dataecsource |
X |
Get entity from background_varpayemphist dataecsource by key |
X |
Add new entity to background_varpayemphist dataecsource |
X |
Update entity in background_varpayemphist dataecsource |
X |
Users Users |
Get entities from user |
X |
Get entity from user by key |
X |
Personal information: service operations |
Invoke action generatenext personid |
X |
Position management: position entity |
Add new entity to position entity |
X |
Update entity in position entity |
X |
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