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Payout to reconciliation Automation for NetSuite R1 release notes, January 2022

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What’s new

Select the start and end time for a given day to get the PayPal transactions

In the Payout to reconciliation automation for NetSuite app, for the PayPal payment gateway, a new setting Start and end time to get PayPal transactions is added to select the start and end time in the UTC timezone (for a given day) to get the payout transactions from PayPal. The time should match the bank transfer time as per your PayPal account. The Start and end time to get PayPal transactions setting respects any lag specified in the Lag to bring payout related records setting. For more information, see Reconcile the PayPal payout transactions.

Initialize accounts by default while creating deposit records

For all payment gateways, the respective flow initializes the account by default while creating deposit records. If you’ve already initialized the account by adding the “account” mapping, the flow ignores initializing again. If you want to skip initializing the “account,” configure the following mapping, in the respective payment gateway deposit flow:

  • Amazon Pay settlement transactions to NetSuite deposit flow > Post transaction(s) to NetSuite as Make deposits
  • Braintree transactions to NetSuite deposit flow > Post deposits to NetSuite
  • PayPal payout transactions to NetSuite deposit flow > Post deposits to NetSuite
  • Stripe payout balance transactions to NetSuite deposit flow> Post deposits to NetSuite

Export field

Import field (NetSuite)



What’s fixed

Ignore Paypal transaction event codes T0400 and T0401

If the PayPal data request has only transaction event codes T0400 and T0401, the PayPal payout transactions to NetSuite deposits flow ignores these transactions without any time-out errors. On the integration app Dashboard, the count for export is displayed as 1 and for the remaining components as 0.

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