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Choose how to view your integrations

You can view your integrations in either the tile view or the list view. Tile view is the default view.

Purpose of a view

Tile view: Use this view when you want a quick, big-picture view of your integrations, and perhaps when you have few integrations.

List view: Use this view when you want a detailed view of your integrations, and perhaps when you have many integrations. The List view is very useful when you want to sort, filter, or pin integrations. You can switch from one view to another view at any time.

Switch the view

To switch the view for your integrations, 

On the Home page, click one of the following icons in the upper-right corner.

Switch view.png
  • Click the Tile view icon (1). It shows each integration as a tile with the integration name, status (success or error), permissions (administer, manage, or monitor), the number of flows, and the overflow (...) menu for actions you can perform (see table below).

    Note:  You can search for an integration in both views; but, you can sort, filter, or pin integrations in the list view only.

  • Click the List view icon (2). It shows the following columns:
Column What is displayed…
Name Name of your integration. If you have multiple instances of integrations apps, the tag name of an integration app is displayed. For example, Salesforce - NetSuite integration_Instance1. User permissions (administer, manage, or monitor) are also displayed in this column.
Applications Application logos for every connection (including connections to universal connectors) within an integration. If an integration has multiple connections to the same application, the application logo shows only once. Application logos are not applicable for Standalone flows and legacy SuiteScript integration.
  • Continue set up (yellow) for a prebuilt integration (integration app) or a custom (DIY) integration (ZIP file) that is being installed
  • Continue uninstall (yellow) for a prebuilt integration (integration app) that is being uninstalled
  • Success (green) for a successfully installed prebuilt integration (integration app) or a custom (DIY) integration that is created
  • <Count> errors (red) for flow errors  
  • <Count> connections down (red) for offline connections
Last open error Timestamp for last open error of an integration.
Type Type of integration such as:
  • Custom integration
  • Integration app

Standalone flows are considered custom integrations.

Actions Actions for custom integrations such as:
  • Pin or Unpin integration - Available in list view only. Moves the pinned integration to the top of the list.
  • Clone integration - Creates a duplicate version that you can modify without affecting the original integration.
  • Download integration - Creates a ZIP file of your integration that you can share with other users.
  • Delete integration - Removes the integration with flows. However, you can restore the integration from the Recycle Bin in the left navigation pane within 30 days, or it is automatically purged.

Actions for integration apps such as:

  • Renew subscription - Available 30 days before the expiry of the subscription. Enables subscription renewal.
  • Reactivate subscription - Available only after the subscription is renewed. Enables subscription activation.
  • Pin or Unpin integration - Available in list view only. Moves the pinned integration to the top of the list.
  • Clone integration - Creates a duplicate version that you can modify without affecting the original integration.
  • Uninstall integration - Uninstalls the integration.

Note that actions are not available for Standalone flows. For more information on actions, see Perform quick actions from the Home page.

Search integrations – tile or list view

When you want to find specific integrations quickly, use the search feature.

To find specific integrations,

  1. In the search box on the Home page, enter either the name of an integration or a keyword in the name or description of integrations that you want to find.

Sort integrations – list view only

When you want to order integrations in a specific or meaningful way, use the sort feature. Note that during sorting, a pinned integration that is placed at the top of the list is moved based on the order of sorting.

To sort integrations,

  1. On the Home page, click the List view icon in the upper-right corner.
  2. Go to the column you want to sort. You can sort on the name, status, last open error, and type columns.
    Column (List View) Sort is based on…
    Name Letters and then numbers  (alphanumeric)
    Status The number of errors (high to low). Errors are the sum of connection and integration errors. When there are both connection and integration errors, the number of connection errors is prioritized over the integration errors in the following hierarchy of status:
    • Errors
    • Success
    • Continue setup/Continue uninstall
    Last open error Timestamp (latest to oldest)
    Type The order:
    • Custom
      • Custom integrations with the number of flows (high to low)
    • Integration app
  3. In the column heading, click the upward arrow icon to display an ascending sorting order; or, click the downward arrow icon to display a descending sorting order.

Filter integrations – list view only

When you want to view only specific integrations quickly, use the filter feature. You can filter your integrations based on the applications used.

To filter integrations,

    1. On the Home page, click the List view icon in the upper-right corner.
    2. In the Applications column heading, click the funnel icon.
    3. In the drop-down list that opens, check the box next to the applications that you want to include in your filter.
    4. Click Apply.
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