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Migrate your Google Contacts API endpoints

Google deprecated the Contacts API endpoints on January 19, 2022, and replaced them with People API endpoints. If you have any existing integrations with Google Contacts, it’s important to review your existing flows to ensure they do not call the endpoints that were deprecated.

As part of this migration, Celigo has added the People API type in the > Google Contacts connection page.

This article explains how to migrate the Google Contacts connection API type from Contacts API [Deprecated] to People API and to find deprecated endpoints and replace them with the new endpoints.

Google Contacts documentation: Contacts API migration guide, People API
Additional referenceSet up a connection to Google Contacts

Note: When you encounter a deprecated endpoint, first copy the path parameter and search parameter values to a reference document to back them up when replacing the endpoints, following the instructions in the next sections.

Migrate the connection API type from Contacts API [Deprecated] to People API

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Navigate to Resources > Connections.
  3. Search for an existing Google Contacts connection, from the Actions overflow ... menu, select Edit connection.
  4. In the Application details, from the API type drop-down list, select People API.
  1. To create IClient, click the plus (+) button. The Create IClient tab appears.
  1. Provide a Name, Client ID, and Client secret that are received after creating the OAuth Client ID in Google Contacts. 
  2. Click Save.
  1. Sign in to your Google Developer Console account.
  2. Navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials.
  3. Click Configure consent screen. The OAuth consent screen page appears.
  1. Select your application user type, either Internal or External, and click Create. The Edit app registration page appears.
  • Celigo recommends setting your application to internal OAuth to make it available for your organization's users only.
  • When the external OAuth application is in testing mode, the refresh token expires every seven days. Hence, you have to re-authorize the connection by clicking the Save and authorize on the Google Contacts connection page.
  1. Provide the App name, email, and add to the Authorized domains list.
  1. You can add or remove the scopes that you have selected in and click Save and continue.
  2. Navigate to Credentials > Create Credentials and click OAuth client ID. The Create OAuth client ID page appears.
  1. From the Application type drop-down list, select the Web application.
  2. Provide the Name, paste the redirect URL in the Authorized redirect URIs, and click Create.
  1. Copy your Client ID and Client secret.
  1. Click Configure Scopes and add or remove the scopes according to your requirements.
  2. Click Save & authorize to test and commit your changes and proceed to log in with Google Contacts.
  3. Sign in to Google with the user account containing the contacts you want to be able to access through this connection.
  4. After signing in, review the permissions for the integration and click Continue.

The connection is now successfully updated. If you created it within a flow, it is applied to the current source or destination app.

Endpoints replacement list

The following table lists the deprecated endpoints:

Deprecated endpoint Replacement endpoint

Retrieving all contacts [Deprecated]

List Contacts
Retrieving a single contact [Deprecated]

Get a Single Contact

Creating contacts [Deprecated] Create Contact

Updating contacts [Deprecated]

Update Contact
Deleting contacts [Deprecated] Delete Contact

Retrieving all contact groups [Deprecated]

Retrieving all Contact Groups

Retrieving a single contact group[Deprecated]

Retrieving a single contact group

Creating contact groups [Deprecated]

Create Contact Group

Updating contact groups [Deprecated]

Update Contact Group

Deleting contact groups [Deprecated]

Deleting Contact Group

A. Find deprecated endpoints in existing flows

Find each export and import of the flows that use a Google Contacts connection: 

  1. Navigate to Resources > Connections.
  2. Search for an existing Google Contacts connection, from the Actions overflow ... menu, select Used by. A list of all items that use this connection appears.
  3. Right-click the first flow step in the list and select your browser’s option to open it in a new tab.
  4. Review the configuration for any of the deprecated endpoints.

B. Update flows to use replacement endpoints

For each export and import that is using a Deprecated API, find its corresponding Replacement API in the chart below, and select the new API name and operation.



API name


API name


Working with Contacts Retrieving all contacts People Connections (Export) List Contacts
Retrieving a single contact People (Export) Get a single Contact
Creating contacts People (Import) Create Contact
Updating contacts People (Import) Update Contact
Deleting contacts People (Import) Delete Contact
Working with contact groups Retrieving all contact groups Contact Groups (Export) Retrieving all Contact Groups
Retrieving a single contact group Contact Groups (Export) Retrieving a single Contact group
Creating contact groups Contact Groups (Import) Create Contact Groups
Updating contact groups Contact Groups (Import) Update Contact Group
Deleting contact groups Contact Groups (Import) Deleting Contact Groups

Find each export of the flows that use a Google Contacts connection; if it has any endpoints mentioned [Deprecated] follow the steps and update accordingly:

If the existing export is configured as follows:

  • API name: Working with contacts
  • Operation: Retrieving all contacts

Then, convert it according to the above table, as follows, and as shown in the images below:

  • API name: People Connections
  • Operation: List Contacts
Migrate.png Export used in the deprecated operation
Migrate1.png Search parameters used in the deprecated operation

The userEmail is a path parameter in a deprecated operation; in the replacement operation, it is not required.

Migrate2.png Export used in the replacement operation

The PersonFields is added as a search parameter and is required in the replacement.

Migrate3.png Search parameters used in the replacement operation

Find each import of the flows that use a Google Contacts connection; if it has any endpoints mentioned [Deprecated] follow the steps and update accordingly:

If the existing import is configured as follows:

  • API name: Working with contacts
  • Operation: Creating contacts

Then, convert it according to the above table, as follows, and as shown in the images below:

  • API name: People
  • Operation: Create Contact
Migrate4.png Import used in the deprecated operation
image__2_.png Import mapping used in the deprecated operation
Migrate5.png Import used in the replacement operation
image__3_.png In the replacement import operation, you can configure the mappings according to your requirements.

List all Contacts, replacement operation response format:

 "connections": [
     "resourceName": "people/c91987460134900982",
     "etag": "%EgcBCQ8VLjc+GgQBAgUHIgx1TEpjL3lweGlKOD0="
     "resourceName": "people/c6965100203777536306",
     "etag": "%EgcBCQ8VLjc+GgQBAgUHIgx5WHhhMVRiM1YwZz0="
   "resourceName": "people/c6761438287654087308",
     "etag": "%EgcBCQ8VLjc+GgQBAgUHIgxucGgrSUlTOVJwOD0="

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