When you configure an export, import, or other type of flow step using the prebuilt Workday connector, you can select any of the API operations listed below*, organized by API type.
If your API endpoint isn’t listed here, switch the flow step to HTTP mode and configure the endpoint provided in the Workday API documentation. *You can also create a composite endpoint for this application in HTTP mode.
Resource |
API endpoint |
Export |
Import |
Absence management: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Absence management: Workers |
Retrieve the leave of absence for the specified worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of eligible absence types for the specified worker |
X |
Retrieve the leaves of absence for a specified worker ID |
X |
Create a time off request for the specified worker ID and Initiate the business process |
X |
Retrieve the valid time off dates for the specified worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers and current staffing information |
X |
Retrieve a collection of time off details for the specified worker |
X |
Retrieve the valid time off dates for the specified worker ID for the given dates |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers and current staffing information |
X |
Retrieve the eligible absence type for the specified worker |
X |
Academic calendars |
Retrieve the academic year associated with an academic calendar with the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of academic calendars |
X |
Retrieve a collection of the academic years associated with an academic calendar |
X |
Retrieve the academic calendar with the specified ID |
X |
Academic levels |
Retrieve the academic level with the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of academic levels |
X |
Academic periods |
Retrieve the academic period with the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of academic periods |
X |
Academic units |
Retrieve the academic unit with the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of academic units |
X |
Active tasks |
Secured by: system monitor administrator, system monitor support\n\n scope: system, system health dashboard, tenant non configurable |
X |
Active user sessions |
Retrieve a collection of active user sessions |
X |
Retrieve an active user session |
X |
Activity logging |
Retrieve a collection of user activity log entries in a specified time frame |
X |
Ad hoc project time transactions |
Retrieve a collection of ad hoc project time transactions |
X |
Create ad hoc project time transactions |
X |
Retrieve an ad hoc project time transaction instance |
X |
Article statuses |
Retrieve a list of article version statuses for all articles |
X |
Retrieve an article version status for an article |
X |
Article versions |
Retrieve an article version and the plain text content for the article version |
X |
Retrieve a list of article versions and the plain text content within each article version |
X |
Attachments |
Upload an attachment when creating a case |
X |
Return attachments |
X |
Audit logs |
Retrieve an audit log instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of audit logs |
X |
Balances |
Retrieve the specified balance of all absence plan and leave of absence types |
X |
Retrieve the balance of all absence plan and leave of absence type for the specified worker ID |
X |
Billable transactions |
Retrieve a collection of billing rate applications for the specified billable transaction |
X |
Retrieve a single billable transaction instance |
X |
Partially updates an existing billable transaction instance |
X |
Retrieve a single billing rate application instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of billable transactions |
X |
Buckets |
Get the buckets permitted by the security profile of the current user |
X |
Create a new bucket for a table or dataset |
X |
Get bucket by ID |
X |
Edit an existing bucket with the specified name |
X |
Upload a single file to a bucket for a table or dataset |
X |
Commit data contained in a bucket into the associated table or dataset |
X |
Get bucket error file by ID |
X |
Business object |
Retrieve a collection of multi Instance custom objects |
X |
Business process: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Business process: Types |
Retrieve all business process types |
X |
Retrieve a business process type |
X |
Retrieve attachment categories for a business process type |
X |
Business title changes |
Retrieve a business title change instance |
X |
Case suggestions |
Retrieve a list of suggestions based on case type |
X |
Retrieve a list of suggestions based on case type |
X |
Case types |
Retrieve a list of case types that a worker has access to |
X |
Retrieve a list of case types that a worker has access to |
X |
Cases |
Retrieve a list of cases that the user is secured to view |
X |
Create a case |
X |
Retrieve a list of comment timeline items for a case |
X |
Secured by: process: help cases+ tg self service: help case management+ tg scope: help |
X |
Retrieve a case with the specified ID that the user is secured to view |
X |
Retrieve a comment timeline item for a case with the specified timeline ID |
X |
Client details |
Return valid OAuth client details for OCFR clients |
X |
Return valid OAuth client details for OCFR clients |
X |
Common: Currencies |
Retrieve a currency instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of currencies |
X |
Common: Customers |
Retrieve a customer instance |
X |
Retrieve an activity instance for a specific customer |
X |
Retrieve a collection of activities for a specific customer |
X |
Common: Supervisory organizations |
Retrieve a collection of supervisory organizations |
X |
Retrieve a supervisory organization instance |
X |
Retrieve a worker instance for a specific supervisory organization |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers for a specific supervisory organization |
X |
Common: Validate worktags |
Validate the allowed and required worktag types and working combinations |
X |
Common: Workers |
Retrieve a particular time off plan for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a business title change instance for a specific worker |
X |
Secured by: change my business title scope: staffing |
X |
Retrieve a collection of inbox tasks for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve an organization instance for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of history items for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers |
X |
Retrieve a history instance for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of organizations for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of supervisory organizations managed by a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a time off entry for a specific worker |
X |
Create a job change instance with the specified data |
X |
Retrieve a collection of pay slips for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of direct reports for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a pay slip instance for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve an inbox task instance for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a direct report instance for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of time off plans for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of business title changes for a specific worker |
X |
Create a business title change instance with the specified data |
X |
Retrieve a worker instance |
X |
Retrieve a supervisory organization managed by a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of time off entries for a specific worker |
X |
Compensation: Workers |
Retrieve a worker instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers |
X |
Request a one time payment for a worker with the specified ID |
X |
Configuration |
Retrieve tenant setup configurations related to help case management |
X |
Retrieve tenant setup configurations related to help case management |
X |
Contract compliance: Prompt values |
Retrieve all companies or company hierarchies the user has access to |
X |
Retrieve all contract types the user has access to |
X |
Core accounting: Currencies |
Retrieve the details on all currencies in your tenant |
X |
Retrieve the details of a specified currency |
X |
Countries |
Retrieve information about a country |
X |
Retrieve the allowed address components and their configuration for the country and a given address configuration format |
X |
Retrieve a collection of configuration information about name components |
X |
Retrieve a collection of information about countries |
X |
Course sections |
Retrieve a collection of course sections secured by: manage: curriculum management scope: student records |
X |
Course subjects |
Retrieve a collection of course subjects secured by: manage: curriculum management scope: student records |
X |
Retrieve a collection of course subjects secured by: manage: curriculum management scope: student records |
X |
Courses |
Retrieve a collection of courses secured by: manage: curriculum management scope: student records |
X |
Courses |
Retrieve a collection of courses secured by: manage: curriculum management scope: student records |
X |
Create mentorship for me |
Create a mentorship for the current processing worker where the user is also the mentee |
X |
Create mentorship for worker |
Create a mentorship between two workers |
X |
Custom object data multi instance: Custom objects |
Create instances of multi Instance custom objects |
X |
Get a specific instance of a multi Instance custom object |
X |
Update an instance of a multi Instance custom object |
X |
Delete an instance of a custom object |
X |
Custom object data single instance: Custom objects |
Create a new or update an existing instance of a custom object |
X |
Retrieve a custom object instance |
X |
Update a custom object instance |
X |
Delete a custom object instance |
X |
Customer accounts: Customers |
Retrieve a single customer instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of customers |
X |
Data changes |
Get data changes accessible by a user |
X |
Gets data change associated with ID |
X |
Execute data change by ID |
X |
Get details of the activity specified by activity ID |
X |
Validate data change specified by data change ID |
X |
Cancel data change specified by data change ID and activity ID |
X |
Create new file container |
X |
Get all files for a file container |
X |
Load file into file container |
X |
Definitions |
Retrieve a collection of validations in a custom object definition |
X |
Secured by: custom object management scope: system |
X |
Retrieve a validation in a custom object definition |
X |
Update an existing validation in a custom object definition |
X |
Delete a validation in a custom object definition |
X |
Secured by: custom object management scope: system |
X |
Retrieve a custom object definition |
X |
Update an existing custom object definition |
X |
Delete a custom object definition |
X |
Retrieve a collection of custom object definitions |
X |
Secured by: custom object management scope: system |
X |
Retrieve a collection of condition rules in a custom object definition |
X |
Secured by: custom object management scope: system |
X |
Retrieve a condition rule in a custom object definition |
X |
Update an existing condition rule in a custom object definition |
X |
Delete a condition rule in a custom object definition |
X |
Retrieve a field in a custom object definition |
X |
Update an existing field in a custom object definition |
X |
Delete a field in a custom object definition |
X |
Retrieve a collection of fields in a custom object definition |
X |
Secured by: custom object management scope: system |
X |
Educational credentials |
Retrieve a collection of educational credentials |
X |
Retrieve the educational credential with the specified ID |
X |
Electronic reporting runs |
Enable applications to create information on electronic reporting of customer and supplier invoice documents |
X |
Entries |
Retrieve a single instance of a quick expense |
X |
Update an existing quick expense instance |
X |
Delete a quick expense with the specified WID |
X |
Partially updates an existing quick expense with the specified WID for the fields provided in the request body |
X |
Retrieve a collection of quick expenses |
X |
Create a quick expense instance |
X |
Create new attachments for the existing expense entry |
X |
Evaluate account posting rules |
Retrieve the ledger account and resulting work tags of a specified account posting rule |
X |
Event driven integration vendor response |
Update a specific vendor response instance of event driven integration |
X |
Retrieve a single event driven integration vendor response |
X |
Event steps |
Post an action for a to do step in a business process |
X |
Retrieve business process event steps |
X |
Retrieve a business process event step |
X |
Deny a business process event step |
X |
Post an action for a complete questionnaire step in a business process |
X |
Approve a business process event step |
X |
Send back a business process event step |
X |
Events |
Retrieve business process events |
X |
Retrieve completed steps for a business process event |
X |
Retrieve attachments for a business process event |
X |
Retrieve comments for a business process event |
X |
Retrieve in progress steps for a business process event |
X |
Retrieve remaining steps for a business process event |
X |
Retrieve a business process event |
X |
Expense items |
Retrieve a single instance of an expense item |
X |
Retrieve a collection of expense items |
X |
External creators |
Retrieve contact details for a single external case contact instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of external contact details |
X |
Create external case contacts |
X |
Feedback badges |
Retrieve a collection of active feedback badges |
X |
Retrieve a feedback badge with the specified ID |
X |
Field types |
Retrieve a collection of custom field types |
X |
Secured by: custom object management scope: system |
X |
Retrieve a list value for a custom lists in a custom object definition |
X |
Update an existing list value in a custom object definition |
X |
Retrieve a custom field type |
X |
Update an existing custom field type |
X |
Retrieve a collection of list values for a custom list in a custom object definition |
X |
Secured by: custom object management scope: system |
X |
Global payroll: Pay groups |
Retrieve a payroll interface pay group |
X |
Retrieve a collection of payroll periods for the specified payroll interface pay group ID |
X |
Retrieve a payroll period for the specified payroll interface pay group ID |
X |
Partially updates an existing pay period by the specified pay group ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of payroll interface pay groups |
X |
Holiday events |
Secured by: self service |
X |
Home contact information changes |
Retrieve all existing web addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new web address staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Return basic information about the home contact change event |
X |
Retrieve all existing phone numbers staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new phone number staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new email address staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new address staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve instant messenger as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Remove the specified instant messenger |
X |
Partially update an existing instant messenger that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve web address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Remove the specified instant messenger |
X |
Partially update an existing web address that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve phone number as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Remove the specified phone number |
X |
Partially update an existing phone number that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Submit the specified contact change ID |
X |
Retrieve all existing instant messengers staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new instant messenger staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve email address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Retrieve address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Update an existing address that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Remove the specified address |
X |
Human resources |
Get workers |
X |
Immigration events |
Retrieve an immigration event |
X |
Retrieve a dependent immigration data instance for the specified student ID |
X |
Secured by: self service: student external site user access, student data: immigration\n\n scope: academic foundation, student core |
X |
Delete immigration event dependent immigration data |
X |
Submit an immigration event |
X |
Retrieve an immigration data instance for the specified immigration event |
X |
Secured by: self service: student external site user access, student data: immigration\n\n scope: academic foundation, student core |
X |
Retrieve a collection of dependent immigration data for the specified student ID |
X |
Create dependent immigration data for the specified immigration event |
X |
Retrieve a collection of immigration events |
X |
Retrieve a collection of immigration data for the specified immigration event ID |
X |
Create immigration data with the specified ID |
X |
Secured by: self service: student external site user access, student data: immigration\n\n scope: academic foundation, student core |
X |
Secured by: self service: student external site user access, student data: immigration\n\n scope: academic foundation, student core |
X |
Interviews |
Retrieve a collection of interviews |
X |
Retrieve interview feedback for the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve interview feedback for the specified ID |
X |
Submit interview details for the processing worker with the interviewer's rating and comment |
X |
Retrieve a collection of interviews |
X |
Invoice PDFs |
Retrieve a single customer invoice pdf instance |
X |
Invoices |
Retrieve a single customer invoice or adjustment instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of customer invoices and adjustments |
X |
Retrieve a single customer invoice print run |
X |
Retrieve a collection of customer invoice print runs for the specified customer invoice or adjustment |
X |
Job change reasons |
Retrieve a collection of job change reasons |
X |
Retrieve a job change reason instance |
X |
Job changes |
Return the location information for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve the start details for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the start details options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve the administrative options for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve a job profile for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the job profile options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Return the location information for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the location options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve a position for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve the start details for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve a move team option from the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the move team options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve a position for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the position options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Return the comment information for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve a business title for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the business title options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve a job classification for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve the administrative options for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the administrative options for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve a move team option from the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve the opening options for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve a business title for the specified job change ID |
X |
Retrieve the contract options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve a single change job event instance |
X |
Submit the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve a job classification for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the job classification options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve the opening options for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the opening options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve the contract options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Partially updates the contract options for the specified change job ID |
X |
Retrieve a job profile for the specified job change ID |
X |
Return the comment information for the specified job change ID |
X |
Partially updates the comment for the specified change job ID |
X |
Job families |
Retrieve a collection of job families |
X |
Retrieve a single job family instance |
X |
Job postings |
Retrieve a collection of job postings |
X |
Retrieve a job posting |
X |
Job profiles |
Retrieve a collection of job profiles |
X |
Retrieve a single job profile instance |
X |
Mentorships |
Closes the mentorship |
X |
Edit the mentorship |
X |
Get all mentorships |
X |
Get all mentorships |
X |
Message templates |
Retrieve a message template with the specific ID |
X |
Update an existing message template instance |
X |
Partially updates an existing message template instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of message templates |
X |
Secured by: set up: message templates scope: learning core system |
X |
Notification types |
Retrieve a collection of notification types |
X |
Retrieve a notification type |
X |
Organization assignment changes |
Retrieve a region for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve the comment information for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve a single organization assignment change event instance |
X |
Retrieve the custom organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Partially updates the custom organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve a business unit for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Partially updates the business unit for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve the start details for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Partially updates the start details for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve a company for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Partially updates the company for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve the costing organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Partially updates the costing organization options for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve the start details for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve a region for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Partially updates the region for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve the custom organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve the costing organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Submit the organization changes request for the specified ID and Initiate the change organization assignment business process |
X |
Retrieve a cost center for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Partially updates the cost center for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve the comment information for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Partially updates the comment for the organization assignment change ID |
X |
Create a new change organization assignment event for a specific filled or unfilled position |
X |
Retrieve a business unit for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve a company for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Retrieve a cost center for the specified organization assignment change ID |
X |
Organization types |
Retrieve a collection of organization types |
X |
Retrieve an organization type instance |
X |
Organizations |
Retrieve a collection of organizations |
X |
Retrieve an organization instance |
X |
Pay group details |
Retrieve a single pay group detail instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of pay group details |
X |
Payments |
Retrieve a single customer invoice payment remittance line instance |
X |
Retrieve a single customer invoice payment instance |
X |
Create customer invoice payments |
X |
Create customer invoice payment remittance lines |
X |
Payroll inputs |
Retrieve a single payroll input instance |
X |
Delete an existing payroll input instance |
X |
Partially updates an existing payroll input instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of payroll inputs at least one query parameter is required to get data |
X |
Create payroll inputs |
X |
Payroll: Jobs |
Retrieve a single pay group instance |
X |
Retrieve the pay group for a specified job ID this method always Return one pay group |
X |
Retrieve a collection of jobs |
X |
Retrieve a single job instance |
X |
Payroll: Pay groups |
Retrieve a single pay group instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of pay groups |
X |
Payroll: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
People |
Retrieve a collection of personal information |
X |
Retrieve a home address |
X |
Retrieve an additional name |
X |
Retrieve a collection of audio name pronunciations |
X |
Retrieve a person's personal information |
X |
Retrieve a collection of personal photos |
X |
Retrieve the preferred name instance |
X |
Retrieve a personal photo |
X |
Retrieve a collection of work instant messenger accounts usernames |
X |
Retrieve the legal name instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of work email addresses |
X |
Retrieve a collection of home addresses |
X |
Retrieve a home phone number |
X |
Retrieve a work instant messenger account username |
X |
Retrieve a work address |
X |
Retrieve a collection of work phone numbers |
X |
Retrieve an audio name pronunciation |
X |
Retrieve a work web address |
X |
Retrieve a person's public contact information |
X |
Retrieve a collection of home phone numbers |
X |
Retrieve a person in your Workday tenant |
X |
Retrieve a collection of public contact information |
X |
Retrieve the legal name instance |
X |
Retrieve a person in your Workday tenant |
X |
Retrieve a collection of home web addresses |
X |
Retrieve the preferred name instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of additional names |
X |
Retrieve a collection of work addresses |
X |
Retrieve a collection of work web addresses |
X |
Retrieve a work phone number |
X |
Retrieve a home email address |
X |
Retrieve a home instant messenger account username |
X |
Retrieve a work email address |
X |
Retrieve a home web address |
X |
Retrieve a collection of home instant messenger account usernames |
X |
Retrieve a collection of home email addresses |
X |
Performance enablement: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Performance enablement: Workers |
Retrieve a collection of workers and current staffing information |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers and current staffing information |
X |
Retrieve a collection of goals for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of feedback given events about the specified worker |
X |
Create a single feedback given event instance about the specified worker |
X |
Retrieve a single goal instance for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a feedback given event instance with the specified ID |
X |
Person: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Exposes prompting for country phone codes which are used during the collection of phone numbers |
X |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
The set of countries a person has populated with country specific data |
X |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
The set of countries a person is allowed to populated with country specific data |
X |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Exposes prompting for phone device types which are used during the collection of phone numbers |
X |
Phone validation |
Validates phone number data to ensure it is valid for Workday |
X |
Plan phases |
Retrieve a single project plan phase instance |
X |
Delete an existing project plan phase instance |
X |
Update the project plan phase for the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of project plan phases for a specified project |
X |
Create project plan phases |
X |
Plan tasks |
Retrieve a single project plan task instance |
X |
Delete an existing project plan task instance |
X |
Partially updates an existing project plan task instance with the specified ID and the specified data in the request body |
X |
Retrieve a collection of project plan tasks for a specified project or project plan phase |
X |
Create project plan tasks |
X |
Procurement: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Return the company reference ID response field |
X |
Return the spend category ID response field |
X |
Return the un cefact common code response field |
X |
Programs |
Create a single benefit program instance |
X |
Programs of study |
Retrieve the program of study with the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of programs of study |
X |
Projects |
Create project edit events and Initiate the associated workflow to update the project |
X |
Retrieve a collection of projects |
X |
Create project create events and Initiate the associated workflow to update the project |
X |
Retrieve a single project instance |
X |
Projects: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Prospects |
Retrieve a single experience instance for a prospect |
X |
Create prospects |
X |
Retrieve a single language instance for a prospect |
X |
Retrieve the education of a single prospect instance |
X |
Create educations for a prospect |
X |
Retrieve a single skill instance for a prospect |
X |
Retrieve a single resume attachment instance for a prospect |
X |
Retrieve the work experience of a single prospect instance |
X |
Create experiences for a prospect |
X |
Secured by: candidate data: attachments scope: recruiting contains attachment(s) |
X |
Retrieve attached resumes for a single prospect instance |
X |
Create resume attachments for a prospect |
X |
Secured by: candidate data: attachments scope: recruiting contains attachment(s) |
X |
Retrieve a single education instance for a prospect |
X |
Retrieve the languages of a single prospect instance |
X |
Create languages for a prospect |
X |
Retrieve the skills of a single prospect instance |
X |
Create skills for a prospect |
X |
Retrieve a single prospect instance |
X |
Purchase orders |
Retrieve a purchase order |
X |
Retrieve a collection of purchase orders |
X |
Recruiting: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Reports |
Retrieve a single instance of an expense report |
X |
Retrieve a collection of expense reports |
X |
Secured by: self service: expense report scope: expenses |
X |
Create a collection of expense report lines |
X |
Secured by: submit expense report (REST API) scope: expenses |
X |
Request: Types |
Retrieve a collection of request types |
X |
Retrieve a request type |
X |
Requests |
Retrieve the request with the specified ID |
X |
Closes a request |
X |
Retrieve a collection of in progress requests based on the specified parameters |
X |
Create a request |
X |
Requisition templates |
Retrieve the goods and service line details of a requisition template |
X |
Retrieve a collection of requisition templates |
X |
Requisitions |
Get attachment information |
X |
Retrieve the metadata or the attachment content of the specified requisition |
X |
Delete the specified requisition attachment |
X |
Partially updates the metadata of an existing attachment instance for a requisition |
X |
Retrieve a related purchase order for the specified requisition |
X |
Retrieve a requisition line for the specified requisition |
X |
Delete the specified requisition line |
X |
Edits a specific requisition line for the requisition with the specified ID |
X |
Closes a specified completed requisition |
X |
Retrieve a collection of requisitions |
X |
Create a requisition |
X |
Cancels an existing requisition |
X |
Retrieve a collection of related purchase orders |
X |
Retrieve a requisition |
X |
Update the header of an existing requisition |
X |
Get attachment information |
X |
Retrieve the metadata of the attachments for the specified requisition |
X |
Create a new attachment for the specified requisition |
X |
Submit requisition to business process |
X |
Retrieve a collection of requisition lines |
X |
Create requisition lines for the specified requisition |
X |
Resource forecast lines |
Retrieve a resource forecast line allocation for the specified ID |
X |
Create resource forecast line allocations |
X |
Retrieve a single resource forecast line instance |
X |
Retrieve resource forecast line allocation |
X |
Update forecasted hours for resource forecast line allocation |
X |
Retrieve a collection of resource forecast lines |
X |
Resource plan lines |
Retrieve a collection of resource plan lines |
X |
Create a resource plan line create event and Initiate the project resource plan line business process |
X |
Create a resource plan line edit event and Initiate the project resource plan line business process |
X |
Retrieve a single resource plan line instance |
X |
Run budget check |
Create a budget check for transactions |
X |
Scorecard results |
Provides the ability to set up and retrieve scores on scorecard results |
X |
Create a new scorecard result |
X |
Provides the ability to set up and retrieve scores on scorecard results |
X |
Delete the scorecard results with the specified ID |
X |
Update the score for the specified scorecard result |
X |
Scorecards |
Retrieve compensation scorecard information |
X |
Create a compensation scorecard |
X |
Retrieve compensation scorecard information |
X |
Update a compensation scorecard |
X |
Delete a compensation scorecard with the specified ID |
X |
Send message |
Secured by: administer communications scope: system |
X |
Send supplier invoice attachments for scanning |
Send supplier invoice attachments for scanning |
X |
Service categories |
Retrieve a service category with the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve all parent service categories |
X |
Staffing: Jobs |
Retrieve a collection of workspaces for the specified job ID |
X |
Retrieve a single job instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of jobs |
X |
Retrieve a single workspace instance |
X |
Staffing: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Staffing: Supervisory organizations |
Retrieve a single supervisory organization instance |
X |
Retrieve information about an organization chart of the specified supervisory organization ID |
X |
Retrieve a single member instance |
X |
Retrieve a supervisory organization for the specified ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of members for the specified supervisory organization ID |
X |
Retrieve a single organization chart instance |
X |
Staffing: Workers |
Initiate an organization assignment change for a specific worker |
X |
Secured by: person data: skills self service: skills scope: worker profile and skills |
X |
Secured by: person data: skills self service: skills scope: worker profile and skills |
X |
Create a new home contact change business process event for the parent person |
X |
Retrieve a collection of check Ins topics |
X |
Create check In topics |
X |
Partially updates an existing check In topic to archived or un Archived |
X |
Secured by: person data: skills self service: skills scope: worker profile and skills |
X |
Retrieve all external skill level information for a worker you can filter the external skill levels by externalskillID |
X |
Update external skill levels |
X |
Create a new home contact change business process event for the parent person |
X |
Retrieve a single check In instance |
X |
Delete an existing check In instance |
X |
Partially updates an existing check In instance |
X |
Get explicit skills for skill enabled |
X |
Save skills a user has |
X |
Get explicit skills for skill enabled |
X |
Retrieve a single check in topic instance |
X |
Delete an existing check in topic instance |
X |
Partially updates an existing check In topic instance |
X |
Retrieve an existing home contact change event for the person |
X |
Retrieve an existing work contact change event for the person |
X |
Retrieve a collection of check Ins |
X |
Create check Ins |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers and current staffing information |
X |
Initiate a job change request for a specific worker |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers and current staffing information |
X |
Retrieve a single service date information instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of service dates for the specified worker ID |
X |
Partially updates an existing check in to archived or un archived |
X |
Retrieve all external skill level information for a worker you can filter the external skill levels by externalskillID |
X |
Create external skill levels |
X |
Student engagement: Students |
Retrieve a collection of student holds assigned to the specified student ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of students |
X |
Retrieve a student instance |
X |
Retrieve a single student hold instance for the specified student |
X |
Retrieve a collection of students |
X |
Retrieve a student instance |
X |
Retrieve a single student payment instance for the specified student ID |
X |
Partially updates an existing student payment for the student instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of student payments |
X |
Create a student payment |
X |
Studentcore: Students |
Retrieve a collection of residence information for the specified student ID |
X |
Retrieve a collection of students |
X |
Retrieve a student instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of immigration events |
X |
Retrieve an immigration event for the specified student |
X |
Retrieve residence information for the specified student |
X |
Supplier contracts |
Retrieve all supplier contracts |
X |
Retrieve a supplier contract |
X |
Supplier invoice requests |
Submit a single supplier invoice instance |
X |
Secured by: process: supplier invoice request view: supplier invoice request scope: supplier accounts contains attachment(s) |
X |
Retrieve a collection of supplier invoices |
X |
Create the supplier invoice as specified in the request |
X |
Retrieve a single attachment instance |
X |
Secured by: process: supplier invoice request view: supplier invoice request scope: supplier accounts contains attachment(s) |
X |
Retrieve a collection of supplier invoice lines |
X |
Retrieve a single supplier invoice instance |
X |
Retrieve a collection of attachments for the specified supplier invoice |
X |
Create a new attachment for the supplier invoice |
X |
Retrieve a single supplier invoice line instance |
X |
System metrics overview |
Retrieve system metrics with the specified ID, including queued tasks, running tasks, and active user sessions |
X |
Retrieve system metrics |
X |
Tables |
Get tables that the current user has permission on |
X |
Create a new table with the specified name |
X |
Get the description of a table by ID |
X |
Edit an existing table with the specified name |
X |
Edit the specified attributes of an existing table with the specified ID |
X |
Task resources |
Retrieve a collection of task resources |
X |
Create task resources |
X |
Retrieve a single task resource instance |
X |
Delete an existing task resource instance |
X |
Update task resource for specified Workday ID |
X |
Tax rates |
Retrieve a single or a collection of company SUI rates |
X |
Create a single or a collection of company SUI rates |
X |
Time clock events |
Retrieve a collection of time clock events for a worker for a date range |
X |
Create time clock events for specified workers |
X |
Retrieve a time clock event |
X |
Update the time clock event for the specified ID |
X |
Delete a time clock event |
X |
Time tracking: Prompt values |
Retrieve instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service |
X |
Time tracking: Workers |
Create a time review event or time review events |
X |
Retrieve a summary of reported hours for a worker over a period |
X |
Retrieve a period from the period schedule the worker is eligible for |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers and current staffing information |
X |
Create a worker time block |
X |
Retrieve a collection of workers and current staffing information |
X |
Delete a specified worker time block |
X |
Update a specified worker time block |
X |
Retrieve a summary of reported hours for a worker over a period |
X |
Time validations |
Retrieve a collection of time entry validations |
X |
Work contact information changes |
Retrieve phone number as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Remove the specified address |
X |
Partially update an existing phone number that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve instant messenger as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Remove the specified instant messenger |
X |
Partially update an existing instant messenger that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Submit the specified contact change ID |
X |
Return basic information about the work contact change event, as well as the alternate work location staged by the event |
X |
Update the alternate work location staged by this business process event |
X |
Retrieve all existing instant messengers staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new instant messenger staged by the parent business process event secured by |
X |
Retrieve web address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Remove the specified web address |
X |
Partially update an existing web address that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve all existing phone numbers staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new phone number staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new email address staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve email address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Remove the specified email address |
X |
Partially update an existing email address that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve all existing web addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new web address staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Update an existing address that is staged for update by the parent business process event |
X |
Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
X |
Create a new address staged by the parent business process event |
X |
Worker time blocks |
Retrieve a worker time block |
X |
Retrieve time blocks for specified workers over a date range |
X |
Worktag: Validate worktags |
Validates worktags |
X |
WQL: Validate worktags |
Validates worktags |
X |
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