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Why and When to Use a Generic Shopify Credit Card Payment Method

Use Case:
Shopify is a self-contained eCommerce software that requires the capturing of credit card funds to occur within Shopify either during Checkout or after Fulfillment.  Due to this, some NetSuite customers have credit card gateway's configured within NetSuite to charge credit cards within NetSuite. This can not occur when using the Celigo Shopify SmartConnector as it could possibly cause a duplicate charge.
To get around this situation, Celigo advises the creation of a generic payment method called "Shopify Credit Card".  This payment method will be generic and will not have Credit Card or Token marked as a payment option.  This will be mapped when a credit card transaction is applied on a Shopify Transaction.  By utilizing this generic credit card, it will force the NetSuite Credit Card Processing Profile to be ignored and not attempt to charge a card.
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