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Failed to create, update/transform record because You have entered an Invalid Field Value NaN/NaN/NaN for the following field: duedate

Data Flows: Salesforce Quote to NetSuite Estimate Add/Update flow

Error Message: Failed to create, update/transform record because You have entered an Invalid Field Value NaN/NaN/NaN for the following field: duedate

Error code: invalid_fld_value

Reason: This error usually occurs when the date format doesn’t match the date format in NetSuite, and therefore the flow cannot parse the date format.


In the Post Quotes to NetSuite Estimates mappings, update the date format.

To update the date format:

  1. Login to
  2. Navigate to the Salesforce - NetSuite integration app tile.
  3. Go to Flows > Quote.
  4. Next to the Salesforce Quote to NetSuite Estimate Add/Update flow, click Edit mapping to edit field mappings. The Post Quotes to NetSuite Estimates mapping page appears.
  5. Next to the date mapping, click Settings Settings (gear) button (Gear icon) to view the Settings page.
  6. In the Date format dropdown list, select DD/MM//YYYY.

    Note: The date format should match with the date format in the NetSuite.

  7. Click Save & Close.
  8. Run the flow.
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