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Fix JSON error when attempting to have Order and Tracking Details object flow update from NetSuite to Salesforce

You may come across an error, JSON error, when attempting to have Order and Tracking Details object flow update from NetSuite to Salesforce.

Here is how you can fix:

  1. From your Home page, click the Salesforce - NetSuite Integration App tile.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Integration Flows > Opportunity.
  3. Select NetSuite Sales Order to Salesforce Order Add/Update flow.
  4. Click on Setting icon to change the settings of the mapping, under Field mapping type select Lookup, under Options select Static Value to value.
  5. Add the 'name' or 'internalId' as suffix for the mapping coming from NetSuite.

Note: Using the 'internalId' provides a dropdown with available fields through static mapping or hardcode.

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