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Transfer data using the XML parser – example flow

You can use XML (Extensible Markup Language) to transfer data between two endpoints. XML helps to store and share data between databases and third-party applications – it can be a message format in which data can be exchanged between businesses when the existing formats might be incompatible. As with all exported data, XML is converted to JSON format for use in the Celigo platform flow, and the XML parser gives you more granular control over the conversion to the JSON record structure.

Example flow 

This video shows an example flow using the XML parser.

Transfer of data between Workday &

As shown in the video, in the simple flow named XML Parse Test 2, you can export data from a Workday XML file (using Data loader) and then import the data into a REST database ( The XML parser option extracts the required data from the Workday file to send it to the database.


The example flow has two steps, and each step broadly includes the following important sub-steps:

Step 1: Create an export to get data from Workday

  1. Click Resources > Data Loader
  2. Configure the required settings. For instance, name the export, select XML as the file type, and upload the worday_XML.xml file.
  3. Provide details in the XML parser – select Custom in Parse strategy and in the Resource path enter /env:Envelope/env:Body/wd:Get_Workers_Response/wd:Response_Data to extract details from this field and transfer it to the next step in the flow.

Step 2: Create an import to post the data into the database

  1. Create or use an HTTP connection to connect to, and import the extracted XML data using the POST method. This example uses an existing connection named RestDB-Kizer and an existing import named RestDB-Kizerpost data-batch.
  2. In the HTTP request body of the import, specify fields, for instance XML Parse Example to store the imported XML details in the "data from" column of the database.

When the flow is run as shown in the video, you can see the data transferred from the Workday file to the REST database using XML. If you haven’t used the XML parser yet, you could give it a try in a similar scenario.

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