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Subscribe to an API

This article shows you how to subscribe to existing APIs quickly. You should be familiar with plans, applications, and subscriptions before starting. This article is for API consumers who want to use APIs created by a company. If you're an API developer or product manager who wants to create and publish APIs using, see Create and manage your APIs as an API developer.

Subscribe to an API

You can subscribe to an API as long as you have an application. The subscription request will be sent to the API owner. To see your subscriptions, navigate to your Developer portalDashboard or a specific application. To subscribe to an API using an existing application:

  1. Navigate to the API catalog.

  2. Search for your API or browse available categories, featured, starred, or trending APIs.

  3. Click your desired API and click Subscribe at the top right-hand side of the page.

  4. Choose the plan you want to subscribe to. You can see the version, publish date, Access URL, and which applications (if any) are already subscribed to this API.

  5. Search for and choose the application you want the API to subscribe to. The system will warn you of any applications already subscribed to this API. You can send a message to the API developer along with your request.

  6. Review your choices and validate your request.

  7. Confirm that you’ve subscribed to the application.

You may encounter a common error. See the warnings below to mitigate this error:

  • “An error occurred during the subscription. Another OAuth2 or JWT plan is already subscribed by the same Application.”


  • Your subscription will fail if you have two applications trying to subscribe to the same API with the same tier plan and authentication.

  • Subscriptions between an authenticated API and an application are one-to-one. If one application (App 1) is subscribed to an API with Tier 1 authentication (JWT), no other application can subscribe to the same plan. However, a second application (App 2) can subscribe to the same API with a different authentication plan (Tier 2 authentication with API key).

  • You can subscribe to two different APIs with the same authentication type.

Unsubscribe from an API

To cancel a subscription:

  1. Navigate to your application from the Dashboard or the Applications button.

  2. In the navigation bar, click Subscriptions.

  3. Click on your subscription and click Close on the right-hand side of the screen.

  4. Confirm that you want to close your subscription.

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