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Navigate the APIM Developer portal

The Developer portal is where you can view the API catalog, create an application, and subscribe to existing APIs. Contact your API publisher's support team to receive the link to view the Developer portal.


Publishers can customize the developer portal as needed. The example images below reflect the standard layout that Celigo has created. However, it may change based on your API publisher.

Home page

The home page is fairly straightforward. From here, you can search for and explore APIs.


You should become familiar with three main tabs: Dashboard, Catalog, and Applications. Additionally, you can change various settings by clicking your email address at the top right-hand side of the screen.


Your Dashboard shows you all your existing applications and subscriptions. From here, you can view, create, or edit applications. To view a full list of your applications, click See your applications.


If you scroll down, you'll also be able to see your existing subscriptions, including the application they're associated with and the API plan.



Click on a subscription in your Dashboard to see an analytics overview that includes:

  • Minimum response time

  • Maximum response time

  • Average response time

  • Requests per second

  • Total



Your Catalog shows you a list of all the available APIs you can subscribe to. This includes any Featured, Starred, or Trending APIs. Your API publisher can create any number of internal or external categories that you can explore. Celigo, for example, has Internal Only, Partner Services, and Customer Services catalogs. You can also search for an API or browse all available APIs.



To subscribe to an API, you'll need to create an application. Learn more about the concept of an application. After you've created your application and registered it, you can see its various features.

General info and Metadata

The General info tab shows you the basics of your application. This includes your domain, application type, and Client ID.


The Metadata tab lets you add important metadata to your application. The formats allowed are:

  • String

  • Numeric

  • Boolean

  • Date

  • Mail

  • URL


Subscriptions and Members

In your Subscriptions tab, you can see all the APIs your application is subscribed to, including the plans, security type, who subscribed to it, and the subscription status.


Your members are those who have been added to your application. This may include an "Inherited members" list based on any groups your API publisher has created. You cannot delete inherited members.


Analytics, logs, notifications

You can configure analytics, logs, and notifications through your application. Your analytics and logs are generally at the application level, though you can configure advanced settings to narrow the scope to a single API. You can filter both by length of time, including a specific start and end date.


Most of your notifications will be based on subscriptions, such as when a subscription is accepted, rejected, or paused. However, you can also receive notifications when a support ticket related to your application has been created.


Your notifications are at the application level. You can create Alerts to notify you when something occurs with your subscribed APIs.


Alerts are based on the APIs you've subscribed to. You can configure alerts for all APIs or for a specific API, including alerts based on an HTTP status or average response time.



You should learn more about APIM features before creating an application and subscribing to an API. In this example, we're using a simple SpaceX API. After finding an API, you'll see the API home page, a Documentation tab, a Contact tab, and a Tickets tab. In some cases, the home page may be the Documentation tab.


Documentation tab

The Documentation tab allows you to review the API's specifications. If your API publisher has allowed it, you can use this section to test the API using the Try it feature.


Below is an example of the Try it content.


Contact tab

The Contact tab allows you to send a message to the API publisher and ask questions about the API.


Tickets tab

You can see tickets your API publisher has created in the Tickets tab.

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