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Import files into an HTTP destination app

This article describes the options available for importing files into an HTTP destination application. For importing record data, see Import record data into an HTTP destination app.

Create an HTTP file transfer import

Use the following steps to create a file transfer import to an HTTP destination app:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Flow builder.
  2. Click Add destination / lookup.
  3. From the Application drop-down list, select HTTP.
    importType.pngSelect Transfer files into destination application from the What would you like to do? list.

Note: You can't create a file transfer import from the Resources menu. Open Flow builder and click Add destination / lookup to create a file transfer import.

  1. Select your preferred HTTP connection.

Edit general import details


Name your import (required): Provide a clear and distinguishable name. You will have the option to choose this import throughout, and a unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting among a list of imports that you’ve created.

Description (optional): Describe your resource so that you and others can quickly understand its purpose. Be sure to highlight any nuances that a user should be aware of before using this import in a flow. As you make changes to the resource, be sure to keep this description up to date.

Connection (required): The HTTP connection you would like to use for your import. You can create your connections in the Resources menu > Connections or click the + icon to create a new connection. Each connection contains credentials and other related information needed to access your HTTP application.

One to many (required): One to many is used when you have a single record that internally needs to create multiple records. You would use this setting if, for example, your parent record contains child records you need to process. This setting cannot be used when importing a CSV file.

Where would you like the files transferred?

HTTP method (required): Select the method will use to transfer files: DELETE, POST, or PUT.

Relative URI: Enter the path to the folder in the destination application that will receive the transferred files. The path you enter will be appended to the URL displayed underneath this field.

Configure HTTP headers: In some cases, it may be necessary to include custom HTTP headers with your API requests. As with the body field, any value from the connection or import models can be referenced using {{placeholders}} with a complete path matching either the connection or import field you require.

Override request media type: If the HTTP request requires a different media type than what is configured on the connection, select one of the following alternate media types:

  • Multipart / form-data
  • Octet stream – only for Blob endpoints using Transfer files into destination application option

HTTP request body: This field defines the exact HTTP request body that will get sent to the destination application endpoint.

Character encoding: Choose the binary format encoding type to send to the import application. Available formats include: utf8, ucs2, utf16-le, ASCII, binary, and base64.

Non-standard API response patterns

Path to id field in HTTP response body: Use this field to tell where in the HTTP response body to find the id field for the file submitted. If this field is left blank, then will automatically try to pick an id field for you.

Mock response

You can add mock response data to imports in the Mock response section of the Create transfer page as simulated response data when configuring a flow.


Blob key path: When you use to sync documents, attachments, images, etc. (i.e. raw blob data) you first need a blob export defined in your flow to get the raw blob data from an external application and into storage. You then need to make sure that you have a response mapping on your blob export for the blobKey value that returns whenever blob data is successfully stored in Assuming these two things have been done, use this field to indicate the JSON path where you mapped the blobKey value in your data, and then will use the blobKey value to get the file out of storage and transfer it to the import application.

Purge blob data imediately?: Check this box to delete the blob content which is intermittently stored during the transit. On successful import, any stored blob content will be deleted.

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