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Integrate with external version control systems

You can export and store your integrations from the Celigo platform ( to GitHub, GitLab, or any version control system of your choice. Consider this option if you'd like to

  • Have a secure backup outside the platform. 

  • Follow a standard development process, that is, save your integrations for versioning in an open-source version control system.

  • Allow teams or individuals to view or share specific integrations so that you can quickly and easily collaborate without any disruptions to your account, for troubleshooting or the like.


It's best to make changes to your integrations only in the Celigo platform because the version within the platform is the source (the single source of truth), and you can test the changes so that your flows run effectively.

Mapping integrations to Git repos

In this article, let's consider GitHub for version control. For storing and versioning integrations, download your integrations and then directly map them to Git repositories (repos). For example, if you have two integrations that your dev team is working on, then map them as shown.


Using Git repos

Make changes and push an integration: After you build, let's say an enhancement to a NetSuite integration, download the integration as a ZIP file and extract it in your local system.  The extracted integration would contain the following components:


Then, commit and push the extracted integration to a feature branch in the repo. After the integration is available in the branch, anyone from the team can pull the integration, let's say, for a review.

Pull and review the integration: After the pull, one or two team members, based on your peer review process, can review the integration and add comments. You can discuss the comments with them before you make changes to your integration and test them in the platform. You can then download the integration and push the extracted integration to the feature branch again.

Pushing integrations from Celigo to GitHub

After you map and create a repo, you can push integrations from the Celigo platform to GitHub using a flow. You can create a repo in the user interface (UI) or at a command line interface (CLI).

Creating a repo from the CLI


You can download integrations using the REST API endpoint or the Download integration UI option.

For more details or feedback, reach out to us at ProductFeedback.

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