This guide describes techniques and procedures for troubleshooting errors that might arise in the day-to-day run of the integration flows associated with your Shopify-NetSuite Integration App. The guide lists this Integration App common errors and describes a systematic approach to identifying and resolving the problem, with more probable solutions coming first.
This guide provides you with information on:
Integration Flow: Flow associated with the error.
Error Source: The application where the error occurred.
Error Code: A unique identifier associated with the error.
Error Message: A detailed error message that helps you understand the cause of the error.
Possible Reason: Describes why this error might have occurred in your integration dashboard.
Possible Resolution: Describes steps on how to resolve the error.
The troubleshooting sheet includes information about tasks you can perform to help ensure the trouble-free operation of your Shopify-NetSuite Integration App.
For information on the list of errors and resolution for these errors, see Troubleshooting Guide | Shopify-NetSuite Integration App .
When the import/export process associated with an integration flow fails, it will generate errors on the Dashboard page. The Dashboard page allows you to fix the error and retry the flow run to successfully process the data that had caused an error to occur.
The dashboard page on your Shopify-NetSuite Integration App:
Allows you to retry, resolve all, or a few job records in case of an error.
Displays statuses of the integration flow is executed.
Allows you to view and troubleshoot job errors.
Allows you to filter jobs based on their statuses and date.
Allows you to modify data flow configuration and to run a data flow using the Action icon.
The dashboard is visible from the integration tile. You can also reach the dashboard from the Settings page.
When an integration flow runs into errors, the error details appear under the Error column of the dashboard. You can use the View link that appears when you hover over the number present under the Error column to view error details.
After clicking View, a new screen is displayed with the following UI Element:
Source: The application where the error occurred.
Code: The error code.
Message: A detailed error message that helps you understand the cause of the error.
Time: The date and time at which the error occurred.
Retry Data: This allows you to modify the data that has caused the problem and lets you test if the incorrect record executes successfully after modification.
Retry All: All failed records will be re-executed. However, if you select one or more records, only selected records would be re-executed.
Mark Resolved: If you mark a record as resolved, it will not appear when re-execute the job.
Download Errors: This allows you to download an Excel file that contains a list of errors. By default, in the Excel sheet, the resolve and retry columns are set to FALSE. You can analyze the error records and can set any one of the column value to TRUE. Note that b oth the resolve and retry columns cannot be set to TRUE.
Upload Processed Errors: Once you have set values for resolve and retry columns for the desired error records in the Excel sheet (downloaded using the Download Errors button), you can upload the same Excel sheet using Upload Processed Errors. Once the file is uploaded, the integration flow is executed automatically.
You can fix errors one at a time and retry the flow run for the fixed data or you can fix all errors and click on the Retry All button to re-run the flow for all errors.
To view the export record that has an error in the Refund flow:
Open your Shopify URL domain in a new window. Here is the format of the Shopify URL
In your integration app, follow any of the below paths:
Go to Flows > Refund.
Select the flow that contains the error and click Errors.
Copy Export Id from the error.
Go to the Dashboard page and click Errors to view the error.
Copy Export Id from the error.
At the end of the Shopify URL, paste the Export Id.
Remove the API version ‘admin/api/XXXX-XX’ from the URL.
Click Enter and you can now view the same record that has an error.
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