Prerequisite: Ensure that you have a valid subscription license for the add-on. If you do not have a license, from your integration app, go to the Add-Ons section and click Contact Sales.
You can install this add-on from the “Subscriptions” section of your Integration App. For more information on how to install add-ons, refer to Understanding integration app add-ons.
Before you set up the flow
- Before you run the flow, in NetSuite, if you are using any roles other than the native “Celigo eTail SmartConnectors” role, add a new permission “Deposits.”
- The new permission “View Shopify Payments” is added to the Shopify App “NetSuite SmartConnector” to read and import Shopify payments. The existing users have to re-authorize their Shopify connection from the Integration App.
- If you integrate with any third-party application to sync your orders from Shopify to NetSuite, ensure that the "eTail Order ID" field in NetSuite consists of the "Shopify Order Internal ID."
- Ensure to connect to a Shopify store that has the Shopify Payout reports.
Configure and run the flow
- In, click Shopify - NetSuite Integration App (SmartConnector) tile.
- Go to Settings > Flows > Payout.
Enable the Shopify Payout to NetSuite Payout Custom Record flow. The “Shopify Payout Transactions to NetSuite Deposit” is an auto-triggered flow.
Note: The Shopify Payout to NetSuite Payout Custom Record flow is designed to ignore existing records during custom backdated runs. However, the Shopify Payout Transactions to NetSuite Deposit flow does not ignore existing records and processes them according to the usual procedure.
- On the Confirm enable window, click Enable.
If you run the flow for the first time, a delta flow pop-up window is displayed. This helps you to sync the historical payout details.
- Automatic: Choose this option to process and sync data from the last flow run time OR
Custom: Choose this option to select a custom start date and time from when you wish to process and sync data.
- Click Run.
Step 1: Configure the flow settings
- Click Settings > Payout.
In the Lag to bring payout related records field, enter a value in a number of days. This setting syncs the payout-related records to NetSuite based on the lag provided. The number of days you enter, those many days are ignored from the previous flow run date and the present date. This setting allows you to minimize the variance in transactions.
Example: If you provide lag as 4, and your previous flow run date is Nov 5th and the present date is Nov 10th, the flow considers the payouts from Nov 1st to Nov 6th.
Note: If you manually click Run next to the flow, the flow does not consider the payouts as mentioned in the above example, it considers the payouts from the selected date to (current date - lag days). - From the NetSuite Bank Deposit Account list, choose a NetSuite bank account to which your transaction amount has to be deposited.
From the NetSuite account to track adjustments and fees list, choose a NetSuite account to which your refund adjustment and transaction fee amounts have to be deposited.
Note: NetSuite mandates to choose a different account to track the “transaction amounts” and “adjustments and fees”. -
From the NetSuite account to track variance list, choose a NetSuite account to track your variances.
Note: A variance transaction is reported either in the amount mismatch or missing transaction scenario in the Deposit record below the eTail > “Shopify Payout Variance Transaction” tab. -
Check the Set posting date as “to date" for the NetSuite deposit box, if you want to set the custom date as “to date” for the NetSuite deposit.
Note: By default, this box is not selected. If you do not check this box, the flow considers the payout date as the posting date. - Check the Different store and payout currency box to consider the amount in NetSuite native currency to compare the Shopify payout transaction amounts before creating variances in NetSuite. By default, the check box is disabled.
- Click Save.
Step 2: Map your fields and run the flow
Next to the “Shopify Payout to NetSuite Payout Custom Record” flow, click Edit Mappings.
- From the “Import Field (NetSuite)” drop-down list, select Subsidiary (InternalId).
- Next to the newly added entry, click Settings.
- On the Settings window, in the “Field Mapping Type” field, select Hard-Coded.
- From the “Value” drop-down list, select the appropriate subsidiary.
Click Save. After you save, the entry is displayed as follows:
Export Field (HTTP)
Import Field (NetSuite)
<Subsidiary number>
Subsidiary (InternalId)
- On the mappings window, click Save & Close.
- Run the “Shopify Payout to NetSuite Payout Custom Record” flow. By running this flow, the “Shopify Payout Transactions to NetSuite Deposit” flow is auto-triggered.
Find your payout records in NetSuite
After you run the “Shopify Payout to NetSuite Payout Custom Record” and “Shopify Payout Transactions to NetSuite Deposit” flows, the following records are created in NetSuite:
- “Celigo Shopify Payout” custom record
- Deposit
- If any variance, Shopify Payout Variance Transaction.
- The integration app supports linking a maximum of 2000 lines to a deposit.
- The NetSuite UI supports linking a maximum of 10000 lines to a deposit.
- The edit operation on the deposit record does not work if there are more than 10000+ unsettled transactions.
- When executing the Shopify Payout to NetSuite Payout Custom Record flow with a custom backdate option, there is a known issue where duplicate payout deposits are created.
For more information, see Understand payout-related records created in NetSuite.
You can ask questions about the payout reconciliation add-on in our community forum.
For 'Step 3: Map your fields' subsidiary is not an available mapping field in the dropdown. Does this mean the custom payout record needs to have that field displayed/added so it can be mapped? Or do you no longer need to add that mapping?
I don't think the lag date works as documented. I just ran the flow for the for a new customer with a 7 day lag. The lag backed up the start date and then grabbed all payouts to today. That's now how I read the lag documentation.
Hi, David Gollom we request you raise a support ticket so that our team can check if you are on the latest version. To learn more about how to raise a support ticket, see here. Thanks!
Can you update your documentation on this?
Step 3 does not match anything I see in my Celigo instance.
Has something changed?
is there anyway I can test this before I am live with Shopify and actually have Payouts?
Tavano Team you can use the staging/Testing environment to test it before going to production If you have one.
Have you subscribed for the Payout to Reconciliation Add-on? If the ask is to test the Add-on before subscribing then that is not possible as of now.
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