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Configure your NetSuite connection

Prerequisite: Before you begin with the below instructions, ensure to establish your NetSuite connection. For more information refer to Establish your NetSuite connection.

NetSuite Steps

A. Enable your NetSuite account with Token-Based Auth (TBA)

  1. Log into NetSuite as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
  3. Click SuiteCloud subtab.
  4. Scroll down to Manage Authentication section.
  5. Check the TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION checkbox.
  6. Save your changes.

B. Create custom NetSuite Role

  1. Log into NetSuite as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
  3. Click Customize beside the Celigo eTail SmartConnectors role.
  4. Clone the role by creating a new name for the role. Add other permissions as needed.
  5. Click Save.

C. Select NetSuite User and assign Role

Select the NetSuite user account that will be used to connect your Square SmartConnector.

  1. Log into NetSuite as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Users.
  3. On Manage Users page, click on the user that you wish to connect your Square
  4. On that user’s Employee page, select Edit.
  5. Go to Access > Roles.
  6. Select the role that was created in the prior Step B.
  7. Click Save. The Confirmation message appears.

D. Generate NetSuite Access Tokens

  1. Log into NetSuite as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens > Newmceclip1.png
  3. In the APPLICATION NAME drop-down box, select:
    eTail Connectors (Token-Based Auth)
  4. In the USER drop-down list box, type in the NetSuite user that you designated for the
    Celigo integration in the prior Section B or else Search for the user.
  5. In the ROLE drop-down list box, select the role that was assigned to the user.
  6. The TOKEN NAME populates automatically. Modify the name as needed.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Token ID & Token Secret will be displayed. Save the tokens in a place where you can
    copy it into your Celigo connection as described in the next section.

Note: Token ID and Token Secret are only displayed once & cannot be retrieved again.
We recommend that you save them in a secure location, such as a password manager
application if you need to reference them later. Or else you will need to go through
these steps again.

Celigo Steps

Change NetSuite connection to Token-Based Authentication
Update your NetSuite connection for your Shopify SmartConnector to token-based:

  1. Log into your Celigo account as either account Owner or Manager.
  2. From the home page of, go to your Shopify-NetSuite SmartConnector
    integration tile and click the Settings icon.
  3. From the Setting section on the left menu, select Connections.
  4. Find the NetSuite Connection and select the Edit pencil icon.mceclip2.png
  5. Change Authentication Type to Token.
  6. Make sure Environment and Account ID are correct.
  7. Enter Token ID and Token Secret that were generated in NetSuite.
  8. In iClient drop-down list, select eTail NetSuite.
  9. Click Test to verify the connection is working.
  10. Click Save.

We recommend that you test some integration flows in which data is sent to NetSuite to make sure your NetSuite connection is working properly.

You can ask more questions about Square Integration App installation in our community forum.




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