Q. I'm running into this error message:
That Suitelet is invalid, disabled, or no longer exists
What does it mean, and how can I resolve it?
A. It could be caused if the Celigo integrator.io bundle is not installed or the Celigo Realtime Import Restlet Runner script is not deployed.
Check that the Celigo integrator.io bundle is installed
Celigo’s integrator.io bundle (20038) may have been uninstalled or not yet installed in NetSuite. Get more info on installing this bundle.
Check the Celigo Realtime Import Restlet Runner script is deployed
- Make sure that the Celigo Realtime Import Restlet Runner is not disabled in NetSuite. This script is part of our integrator.io bundle (NetSuite 20038 bundle). This integrator.io bundle is part of all of our Celigo integration apps, so this issue can be observed in any integration app. The integration app will work fine after enabling the deployment.
- Sign in to the NetSuite account linked to the Integration App.
- Navigate to Customization > Scripting > Scripts in NetSuite.
- Search the list of scripts for the Celigo Realtime Import Restlet Runner script by typing: Restlet
- Click View to open the script.
- Click the Deployments tab.
- Make sure that the Deployed box is checked.
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