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Install the "Payout-to-Reconciliation Automation for NetSuite" integration app

Find the integration app in the Celigo marketplace

  1. Log in to
  2. On the left menu, click Marketplace.
  3. Click on Amazon Pay,, Braintree, PayPal, or Stripe tile.
  4. On the “Payout-to-Reconciliation Automation for NetSuite” tile, click Install.
  5. (Additional step) If you have already installed the “Payout-to-Reconciliation Automation for NetSuite,” on the “Confirm multiple installs” window, enter a tag name and click Install.
    You will be redirected to your account “My integrations” page.
  6. In the “Payout to Reconciliation” app tile, click Continue setup.

Set up a NetSuite connection

On the Install app page, next to NetSuite connection, click Configure. For more information, see Set up a connection to NetSuite.


Install bundle

  1. Next to “ bundle,” click Install. You will be redirected to your NetSuite account page.
  2. Login to your NetSuite account with admin credentials. Ignore this step if you are already logged in.
  3. Click Install.
  4. On the pop-up window, read “NetSuite Disclaimer” and “Terms” and click I Agree.

Come back to your “install app” page and click Verify now.

Install the "Payout-to-Reconciliation Automation for NetSuite" integration app

  1. In, on the “Install app: Payout to Reconciliation” page, next to the “ Payout to Reconciliation SuiteApp” click Install. You will be redirected to the “NetSuite SuiteApp” page.
  2. On the NetSuite SuiteApp page, search and click on “Celigo Payout Reconciliation App” 
  3. Click Install.
  4. After the SuiteApp is installed, come back to your “install app” page and click Verify now.
Note: If you do not have a valid payment gateway subscription license, a “License Required” error is displayed. If you have a valid license, you will be redirected to the “Install app: Configure Payment Gateway” page.
Important: To receive updates to the "Payout to Reconciliation SuiteApp" in NetSuite, it is required to check the SuiteCloud Development Framework check box on the Enable Features page (Setup > Company > Enable Features > SuiteCloud tab > SuiteCloud Development Framework sub-tab).

Configure payment gateway

  1. On the “Install app: “Configure Payment Gateway” page, next to “Configure Payment Gateway”, click Configure.
  2. On the “Configure Payment Gateway” window, in the Choose a payment gateway drop-down list, select Amazon Pay,, Braintree, PayPal, or Stripe.
  3. Click Submit.

Configure payment gateway connection

Prerequisite: Be sure to have a NetSuite license and a payment gateway license to install the “Payout to Reconciliation Automation for NetSuite” integration app successfully.

After you successfully configure your NetSuite connection and select the appropriate payment gateway, you will be redirected to configure the payment gateway. On the Install app: Amazon MWS/ page next to the connection, click Configure. For more information, see:

After you set up your payment gateway connection, you are redirected to the appropriate payment gateway Settings page.

Note: After you configure the payment gateway connection, the integration name and store ID are added to the “Celigo source account details” custom page in NetSuite. For each payment gateway endpoint, a unique integration ID is created.

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