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Migrate your Coupa connection authentication type from Token to OAuth 2.0

Coupa is deprecating the API key authentication and started transitioning to OAuth 2.0 authentication to provide a high-level API integration security. The new API keys can no longer be issued by Coupa to the existing customers from September 2022. Hence, it is recommended and required that all the Coupa administrators migrate their API integrations with Coupa using OAuth 2.0 at the earliest.

As part of this migration, Celigo has added the OAuth 2.0 (Client credentials) authentication type in the > Coupa connection page.

This article explains the deprecation timelines and how to migrate the Coupa connection authentication type from Token to OAuth 2.0 in

Coupa documentation: API key deprecation FAQ

Additional reference: Set up a connection to Coupa

Deprecation and migration timelines

The following table provides the deprecation and migration dates:



R29 (January 2021)

OAuth 2.0 API Access is available

R32 (January 2022)

OAuth 2.0 is the only available option for new customers

R34 (September 2022)

New API keys can no longer be issued to existing customers

R35 (January 2023)

Transition deadline. The API keys will no longer be supported

Migrate the connection authentication from Token to OAuth 2.0

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Navigate to Resources > Connections.

  3. Search for an existing Coupa connection, from the Actions overflow ... menu, select Edit connection.

  1. In the Application details, from the Authentication type drop-down list, select OAuth 2.0 (Client credentials).


    By default, the Authentication type is set to Token (Deprecated) as the existing connections are configured with API keys.

  2. The Subdomain field populates your existing Coupa subdomain. You can also change it if required. For example, if your portal is found at https:// greatsales.coupacloud .com , then enter greatsales.coupacloud for the subdomain.

  • To create IClient, click the plus ( + ) button. The Create IClient tab appears.

  1. Provide a Name, Client ID, and Client secret that are received after creating the Coupa OAuth 2.0 client.

  2. Click Save.

Retrieve your Coupa Client ID and Client secret


  • Sign in to your Coupa account.

  • Navigate to Setup > Integrations > Oauth2/OpenID Connect Clients.

  • Click Create. The Create client page appears.

  1. From the Grant type drop-down list, select Client credentials.

  2. Provide a Name, Login, and Contactinfo.

  3. In the Scopes section, select the required scopes and click Save .

  1. Click Configure Scopes and add or remove the scopes according to your requirement.


    You must add the scope for a successful connection.

  2. Click Test connection to verify the connection and click Save and close.

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