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Migrate from deprecated Shopify API endpoints (Version: 2024-04)

Shopify has deprecated the REST endpoints from the Product variant, Order risk, and Report resources with their 2024-04 release. You can see the Deprecating tag on these resources in our Hence, we recommend that you follow the suggestions below and make the necessary changes to avoid disruptions to your Shopify connection, as these endpoints are unsupported by Shopify and may stop working at any time.

Product variant: 

  • If you are using the API version 2024-04 or higher, it is recommended that you connect to the Product variant GraphQL endpoint through a universal GraphQL connector.
  • If you are using the API version 2024-01, you can continue using this REST endpoint (with the existing prebuilt connector) until August 2024.

Order risk:

  • If you are using the API version 2024-04 or higher, it is recommended that you connect to the Order risk GraphQL endpoint through a universal GraphQL connector.
  • If you are using the API version 2024-01, you can continue using this REST endpoint (with the existing prebuilt connector) until August 2024.


  • If you are using API version 2024-04 or higher, it is recommended that you transition to API version 2024-01 as there is currently no GraphQL support for this endpoint.
  • If you are using API version 2024-01 or below, you can connect to the Report endpoint through a universal HTTP connector.

Note: Celigo will discontinue the API version 2024-01 support in August 2024.

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