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Migrate your Shopify metafield from value_type to type

Release notes, metafields types, developer changelog

Shopify released a new commerce-oriented type system for metafields. The new type field replaces the existing valueType field, which was deprecated in Shopify version 2021-07 and is no longer supported for versions above 2022-01.

Please follow the steps below to convert existing export and import mapping configurations to the new type field.

Note: This migration does not apply to the Shopify Integration App.

Convert exports

Change the existing mapping configurations for these APIs.

Export API Operation
Metafield Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a resource
Retrieves a single metafield from a resource by its ID
Get metafields that belong to a product
Get a single product metafield
Customers : Customer Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a customer
Orders : Order Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a specific order
Products : Product Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a product
Products : Product Variant Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a product variant
Products : Product Image Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a product image
Online store : Article Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to an article
Online store : Blog Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a blog
Products : CustomCollection Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a CustomCollection and SmartCollection
Orders : DraftOrder Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a draft order
Store properties : Shop Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a shop
  1. In your account, navigate to Resources → Exports.
  2. Search for Shopify to filter your exports.
  3. Identify any export APIs in the column above with matching operations.
    1. Example: A Get Shopify orders export and a Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a specific order.
  1. Exit the export screen and click Actions → Used by.
  1. Click the flow that uses your export.
  1. Open the mappings section and find the value_type mappings on the Source record field for the export endpoints.
  1. Modify the mapping from value_type to type.
  1. Preview the export to ensure that the results are appropriate in comparison to your previous export.
  2. Save & close your mapping and flow.
  1. OPTIONAL: If any of your exports are using Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a resource under the metafield API, open the export.
  1. Launch Configure search parameters and reconfigure the parameters by deselecting value_type and providing a value for the type parameter.
  1. Save your parameters and your export. Preview the export to ensure that the results are appropriate in comparison to your previous export.

Convert imports

Change the existing mapping configurations for these APIs.

Import API Operation
Metafield Creates a new metafield for a resource
Updates a metafield
Create or Update metafield
Create a new metafield for a product
Update a metafield for a product
Create or Update metafield for a product
Customers : Customer Creates a customer
Updates a customer
Create or Update customer
Orders : Order Create or Update order
Creates an order
Updates an order
Products : Product Creates a new product
Updates a product
Create or Update product
Products : Product Variant Creates a new product variant
Modify an existing product variant
Create or Update product
Online Store : Article Creates an article for a blog
Updates an article
Create or Update Article
Online Store : Blog Create a new blog
Update a blog
Create or Update
Products : CustomCollection Creates a custom collection
Updates an existing custom collection
Create or Update custom collection
Orders : DraftOrder Creates a draft order
Updates a draft order
Create or Update draft order
Online Store : Page Create a new page
Updates a page
Create or Update page
  1. In your account, navigate to Resources → Imports.
  2. Search for Shopify to filter your imports.
  3. Click on imports that match the Import API column and find any matching operations.
    1. Example: Products : Product import and Create or update product operation.
  1. Exit the import screen and click Actions → Used by.
  1. Click the flow that uses your import.
  1. Open the mappings section and find metafield mappings on the Destination record field. For example:
    1. metafield.value_type
    2. metafields[*].value_type
    3. customer.metafields[*].value_type
    4. order.metafields[*].value_type
  2. Modify the mappings to:
    1. metafield.type
    2. metafields[*].type
    3. customer.metafields[*].type
    4. order.metafields[*].type
  1. Preview the import mapping to ensure that the results are appropriate in comparison to your previous import.
  2. Save & close your mapping and flow.

New Type values and their Value type equivalents: 

Type (new) Value type (deprecated)
Single_line_text_field string
multi_line_text_field string
page_reference string
product_reference string
variant_reference string
file_reference string
number_integer integer
number_decimal string
date string
date_time string
url string
json json_string
boolean boolean
color string
weight json_string
volume json_string
dimension json_string
rating json_string
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