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Verify the default timezone for {{timestamp}} in imports

The Celigo platform requires you to revise the timestamp handlebars helper on imports. This is because in most cases throughout the Celigo platform, if the timestamp handlebars helper is used but the timezone parameter is not explicitly set, the timezone defaults to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This is the current behavior for all timestamp handlebars configurations with the exception of imports, which default to the timezone set in the account owner’s profile.

Celigo has scheduled an update to align import configuration behavior with the standard behavior already seen throughout the Celigo platform. This means if you are currently using the timestamp helper in your imports without the timezone parameter set, the timezone value will default to UTC unless explicitly specified, which could lead to disruption in your flows.

To verify that this change will not negatively impact any imports in your flows, review all of your imports to verify that all instances of the timestamp handlebars helper explicitly define the timezone necessary for your flow to behave as expected.

Use the following steps to ensure imports in your flows remain unaffected:

  1. From the left navigation menu, click Resources and select the Imports.

  2. Review each import to see if the import configurations such as Relative URI and HTTP request body fields use a timestamp handlebars helper.

  3. If timestamp does not have the timezone parameter set, define it and test the flow to verify that it works as expected. If timestamp has the timezone parameter set, no action is necessary.


You don't have to check import mappings or uses of timestamp in any other location of the Celigo platform. These changes will only affect import configuration fields such as the HTTP request body and Relative URI.

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