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Literal segments and handlebars identifiers

Handlebars identifiers may be any unicode character except for the following which will fail validation:

Whitespace ! " # % & ' ( ) * + , . / ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~

The words true, false, null, and undefined are only allowed in the first part of a path expression.

Use segment-literal bracket [ ] notation to reference a field name that includes one of the above values:

{{#each articles.[10].[#comments]}}

You can't include a closing bracket ] in a path-literal, but all other characters may be used.

You can also use JavaScript-styled strings and "double quotations" vs. [bracket pairs].

{{!-- wrong: {{array.0.item}} --}}
correct: array.[0].item: {{array.[0].item}}

{{!-- wrong: {{array.[0].item-class}} --}}
correct: array.[0].[item-class]: {{array.[0].[item-class]}}

{{!-- wrong: {{./true}}--}}
correct: ./[true]: {{./[true]}}

For more information, see the Handlebars.js documentation on literal segments.

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