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Reauthorize your Zendesk Support connection

With the January release, Celigo has migrated the Zendesk Support connector to a new framework. Hence, your token authentication type has been changed to custom authentication type and your Zendesk Support connections will go offline. To bring the connection back online, the Zendesk administrators must reauthorize the connection.

This article explains how to reauthorize your Zendesk Support connection in Celigo

Reauthorize your Zendesk Support connection

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Navigate to Resources > Connections.

  3. Search for your existing Zendesk Support connection.

  4. For each connection found, modify it by selecting Edit connection from its Actions overflow ... menu.

  5. In the API token setting, enter your Zendesk Support API token.

  6. Click Save and close.

How to retrieve the API token

  1. Sign in to your Zendesk admin portal.

  2. Navigate to Apps and integrations > API > Zendesk API > Settings.

  3. Click Add API token (you can use the available API token if you already created it).

  4. Copy the API token.

  5. Click Save.

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