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Order Import - Foreign Currency

We normally map Discount, Shipping and Price all mapped to the standard amounts i.e. price, shipping_amount, discount_amount. When foreign currency is used, we can  the base version of those fields i.e. base_price, base_shipping_amount, and base_discount_amount. 

Discount, Tax, Shipping Cost:

For price in M2, when there is multi-currency setup then in order JSON, base_price contain price according to base M2 currency and price contain price in ordered currency.

In our connector, we are using price and internally we are checking if we are not getting a price then use parent_item.price but we are not handling for other base_[fields].

{{compare $.items[*].base_price ">" "0"}}{{$.items[*].base_price}}{{else}}{{$items[*].parent_item.base_price}}{{/compare}}


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