Note: The FBA add-ons are now available in the "General Availablity" after passing the beta phase.
What’s new
Automatically sync your settlement report to NetSuite
The integration app now allows you to automatically get the settlement report from Amazon. This feature is an expansion to the existing settlement report functionality. You can now either automatically pull the settlement report from Amazon or manually upload the settlement report using the Dataloader flow to NetSuite.
A new “Request Amazon Settlement Report List” flow is added to the Settlements section. This flow requests Amazon and automatically gets the settlement reports generated after the previously scheduled run. When the new flow is enabled the “Amazon Settlement Report to NetSuite Custom Settlement Records” behaves as a sequenced flow and imports the settlement report to NetSuite and creates the following custom settlement records:
- Celigo Amazon Settlement Summary
- Celigo Amazon Settlement Transaction
To understand more, refer to Automatically sync your settlement report to NetSuite
What’s enhanced
Ability to search specific transfer orders
You can now search for specific transfer orders with the shipment ID in the NetSuite global search. When you enter the CELIGO AMAZON INBOUND SHIPMENT ID in the NetSuite global search, the search result is displayed as “Transfer Order ID (null)”.
Example: Transfer Order: TRO00000068 (null)
Revised category template as per Amazon latest changes
For the UK marketplace, Amazon has updated the product category template for “Shoes” on August 30, 2019. You can now map the below new fields in the “NetSuite Item to Amazon Product” flow’s product mappings.
To understand more about the product categories, refer here.
Product Category Name |
Field Name |
Shoes |
For the US marketplace, Amazon has updated the product category template for “Clothing” on January 15, 2020. The feeds that create listings for the Luggage product type are updated with new fields and XML elements. You can now map the below new fields in the “NetSuite Item to Amazon Product” flow’s product mappings.
To understand more about the product categories, refer here.
Product Category Name |
Field Name |
Clothing |
Uninstall the integration app if the NetSuite connection is offline
You can now uninstall the Amazon Integration App even if the NetSuite sandbox connection is offline. The online connection check for the NetSuite sandbox connection is deleted.
What’s fixed
Skip creating an item receipt when negative adjustments are made
In Amazon, the Transfer Order - InboundShipments add-on ignores to create item receipts if the later received quantity is less than the initially received quantity.
Example: If the total shipment quantity is 30 and Amazon first receives 15, an item receipt is created for 15. Later, if Amazon makes a correction with received quantity as 10, it leads to a negative adjustment. In this scenario, the record is now ignored and the item receipt is not created.
Skip importing taxes for canceled line items
To identify the Marketplace Facilitator Tax option, the integration flow now verifies all the line items in an order. The “Amazon (FBA and MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add” flow now ignores taxes even if few line items are canceled in an order.
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