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Run Salesforce-NetSuite v2 and SFNSIO flows in parallel until your specified Go-Live date

Note: You’ll need to turn off v2 flows for accounts, contacts, and products before you move to IO production.

The Go-Live date is an optional setting based on the date criterion. The Go-Live date lets you create a partition between the v2 and IO versions for syncing your Order, Opportunity, and Fulfillment data. This allows you to run the IO and v2 Order, Opportunity, Item Fulfillment, and Financial Transaction flows parallelly.

You can set the Go-Live date to sync:

Flows Criteria

The Integration App uses the ‘Create Date’ to create a partition and sync transactions between IO and v2 versions of the App. 

  • If Create Date < Go-Live date, we will sync Order transaction data using v2 flows.
  • If Create Date Go-Live date, we will sync Order transaction data using IO flows.

Note: Item Fulfillment and Financial Transaction records will inherit the Go-Live date criteria from Orders.


  • If the create date for an Order is 12/01/2019 and;
  • The create date for an Item Fulfillment record on an Order is 12/12/2018;
  • The Integration App will Sync records to IO based on the Order Create Date i.e. 12/01/2019.

The Integration App uses the ‘Closed Date’ to create a partition and sync transactions between IO and v2 versions of the App. 

  • If Closed Date < Go-Live date, we will sync Opportunity transaction data using v2 flows.
  • If Closed Date Go-Live date, we will sync Opportunity transaction data using IO flows.

Enable Go-Live date

To enable Go-Live Date on IO, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click the Salesforce - NetSuite IO Integration App tile.
  3. Click General Settings > enable Migrate settings from v2 to IO > enable Go-Live date
    • Note
      • You’ll need to disable the test mode before setting the Go-Live date. 
      • You can change or disable the Go-Live date.
      • You can continue syncing updates to your v2 instance while you Go-Live on IO. 
      • To completely switch to IO and stop updating your changes to v2 you’ll need to turn off all your v2 flows.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Refresh your Dashboard.
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