Articles in this section

Get better answers from Help Center searches

You can use the following search strategies to more accurately target the content you want to find in the knowledge base:

  • Find multiple words: Use double quotes (") around each word to find content that contains all those words.

    For example:

    "article" "title" "section" "author" 

    retrieves content that contains all four words, in any order. Make sure you put spaces between the search words, otherwise the search handles the text as one string.

    You'll get hits if there is a stemmed version of a word (e.g. articles). You won't get hits where content contains only the words title and section, for example.

    If you use single quotes (') around a word, the single quotes are ignored. If you search for the following:

    'article' 'title' 'section' 'author'  

    you'll see hits for all content that contains any of the words title or article or section or author (exactly as if you had searched without the single quotes).

  • Find a phrase: Use double quotes (") around a phrase to find content that contains all the words in that phrase.

    For example:

    "article title" 

    retrieves all content that contains the words article and title, in that order. You'll also get hits if there is a stemmed version of the word (e.g. articles). You won't get hits where content contains only the word title, for example.

    If you use single quotes (') around a phrase, the single quotes are ignored.

  • Exclude results containing certain words: Use the minus operator (-) in front of the search term to find content that does not include that word or phrase.

    For example:

    reporting bugs -support

    returns content containing the words reporting and bugs, but excludes those that contain the word support from the result set.

  • Combine operands for advanced search: you can combine the operands above to find a very specific set of results.

    For example:

    "reporting bugs" -support

    returns hitss for content that contains both the words reporting and bugs but does not contain the word support.

  • Be specific with your search terms: To filter your results to the best possible article match, be specific with your search terms. For example, if you want to know the reason for an order import failure in the Square - NetSuite Integration App, you could use the following search terms: 
    "unable to import order"

    This search returns many results that might not be relevant to your specific use case or Integration App. For better matches, including the application name in the search term:

    "unable to import Square order to NetSuite"

    The top results should be specific to the Square Integration App.

For more information on search optimization strategies, see About Help Center end-user search.

If you still cannot find what you’re looking for, try a Google site search for the Celigo Help Center, type your query after

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