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NetSuite Sandbox refresh (pre and post)

The CAM v3.4.0 integration app release supports the restoration of the distributed records deleted by the sandbox refresh once the Cash Application Manager for NetSuite (ID: 157492) bundle is installed in NetSuite. Although records that are mandatory for CAM to work are recreated, there are a few manual steps that need to be performed before and after the installation.

Steps to perform before Sandbox refresh

  1. Make sure that the Sandbox tile is active with connections configured and is online.
  2. Take a snapshot of all the settings configured for the flow Bank File to NetSuite and Bank Transactions to NetSuite.

Steps to perform after Sandbox refresh

  1. Once you refresh the sandbox and install the bundle, re-save all the settings with the same field values that were configured previously (refer to the snapshots that were taken before Sandbox refresh). This step will reconfigure all the preferences back in NetSuite.
  2. The mapping files hold the changes that were made at the time of setup on the customer payment, journal entry, and customer deposit mappings. They can be configured by resaving the mappings. From the Cash App, Flows > General tab, click Edit mappings and save the changes for the following flows:

    • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite customer payment
    • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite journal entry
    • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite customer deposit
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