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Sync NetSuite PDFs to Salesforce Files

The PDF sync from NetSuite record to Salesforce is available for the below flows:

  1. NetSuite Transaction Financials to Salesforce Financials
  2. NetSuite Estimate to Salesforce Quote Update
  • You can create or update an estimate or financial transaction record in NetSuite and sync to Salesforce. You can also sync the PDF from NetSuite record to Salesforce.
  • You can share, collaborate, store, and manage versions of the files between Salesforce and NetSuite
  • Files in Salesforce are stored in the “folder” format and these folders have the files and  versions
  • The file is created in the format: NetSuiteRecordtype_recordId_NS_File

Example: When you create a NetSuite estimate to a Salesforce quote, a new file with Estimate_12410_NS_File is created.This folder has the PDF file of the estimate record and this folder is attached to the quotes file. When you sync the same record again, the same file folder is updated with a new version of the PDF file.


Important: Don’t change the folder name because the next version of the PDF won’t reflect in the existing folder. It will be created in a new folder.

Set visibility and shared type on flows

You can set the visibility and shared type of the files using the Visibility and Shared type fields.

  1. Go to Flows > Financial > NetSuite Transaction Financials to Salesforce Financials
  2. Click Edit mappings > Link PDF to Salesforce transaction
  3. Click the settings icon for Visibility/Shared type > Value
  • Any record can’t be synced more than 2048 times i.e the file versions can be maximum of 2048 only
  • You can sync PDFs only of size 2GB or below
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