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Configure and run flows in the Hire to Retire for ADP template

The Hire to Retire for ADP template comprises a set of prebuilt integration flows. These flows help you to sync and un-sync the information of employee details between ADP and various applications.

Before you begin

  1. You must have ADP credentials.
  2. Generate employee data from ADP.
  3. The connections should be online to run the flows.
  4. Enable Developer mode.

Limitations and known issues

  • During installation, if you use the existing connection for the OAuth application then you will not be able to view the application on flow builder. You will need to reregister the connection and add the application to the Settings tab.
  • You will not be able to view the Add application option in the Settings tab for cloned integrations.
  • For cloned flow, the addition of import is not supported. The desired applications can be added only to the original flow.
  • In order to delete the tile, you will first have to delete the flows and then the import and exports.
  • Ensure the connection status of the destination application is online. If it is not, then the flow discontinues, which will affect subsequent applications.

Provisioning flow: Provision user access from ADP

This flow helps you to sync new and activated employees created in ADP to all selected applications and give relevant access to the user. 

Setup instructions

Configure output

FTP: For FTP, the user has to generate a report from ADP in the format of a sample file and upload it to a FTP server.


  • To export files to the FTP server, refer Export file to FTP server
  • You can find a sample report generated from ADP in csv format at the end of this page.

Generate report from ADP

To generate a report from ADP, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ADP Workforce Now using your ADP credentials.
  2. Under Reports and Analytics tab, go to Custom Reports and select Set Up New option.
  3. Enter the required details and click on Add Fields.
  4. Add the fields by drag-drop feature and click on Save+Run.
  5. Preview the sample file, where you can choose the format by clicking on Exports.
  6. Click Run to download the file to your local server.

Note: To export files to the FTP server, refer Export file to FTP server

Configure input app(s)

The Hire to Retire for ADP template supports 9 applications as endpoints. Each of the applications has its unique setup for mappings. 


  • Configure mandatory mappings for and profile.login in Import field (Okta).
  • The provisioned user will receive an activation email once the user is created.


  • Configure mandatory mappings for Subsidiary (InternalId), Currency, Give Access, Roles : Role (InternalId) in the Import field (Netsuite).
  • The provisioned user will receive an activation email once the user is created.

ServiceNow: Configure mandatory mappings for email in the Import field (ServiceNow).


  • Configure mandatory mappings for in the Import field (Zendesk).
  • The provisioned user will receive an activation email once the user is created.


  • Configure mandatory mappings for email in the Import field (GitHub).
  • Configure the Relative URI with the organization name.
    image (16).png
  • The provisioned user will receive an activation email once the user is created.


  • Configure mandatory mappings for Email, Username, Alias, Profile ID, Time Zone, Locale and Language in the Import field (Salesforce).
  • On configuring the trigger in your salesforce account, the provisioned user will receive an activation email once the user is created.

SAP Concur Expense:

  • You need to establish a connection between the Concur and Celigo app by following the below steps:
    1. Login to SAP Concur with your credentials.
    2. Go to the App Centre.
    3. Search for Celigo app and select Connect.
  • Configure mandatory mappings for FeedRecordNumber, Custom21, CtryCode, CrnKey, LedgerCode, LocaleName and LedgerKeyUsername in the Import field (Concur).

Microsoft Azure Active Directory: Configure the userPrinciplename mapping by providing a unique name. 


  • Configure mapping for Active, AccessLevel, IsCustomerUsername, SkipLoginEmail and Password for your Litmos configuration in the Import field (Litmos).
  • The provisioned user will receive an activation email once the user is created.

Deprovisioning flow: Deprovision user access from ADP

Deprovisioning flow helps you to sync inactive or deactivated employees in ADP to all selected applications and revoke access from the user. 

Setup instructions

Configure output

FTP: For FTP, the user has to generate a report from ADP in the format of a sample file and upload it to a FTP server.

Note: To export files to the FTP server, see  Export file to FTP server.

Generate report from ADP

To generate a report from ADP, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ADP Workforce Now using your ADP credentials.
  2. Under Reports and Analytics tab, go to Custom Reports and select Set Up New option.
  3. Enter the required details and click on Add Fields.
  4. Add the fields by drag-drop feature and click on Save+Run.
  5. Preview the sample file, where you can choose the format by clicking on Exports.
  6. Click Run to download the file to your local server.

Configure input app(s)

The Hire to Retire for ADP template supports 9 applications as endpoints. Each of the applications has its unique setup for mappings. 

Okta: The default mapping for inactive is true for your Okta configuration in the Import field (Okta).

NetSuite: The default mapping for inactive is true for your NetSuite configuration in the Import field (NetSuite).

ServiceNow: The default mapping for inactive is true for your ServiceNow configuration in the Import field (ServiceNow).


  • By default, the search criteria for the userId lookup is based on the user’s email id. You will need to configure this if the requirement for your organization differs from the default.
  • Configure hard-coded mapping for ticket.assigned_id to reassign the tickets to another user for your Zendesk configuration in the Import field (Zendesk).
  • Configure hard-coded mapping for user.suspended and user.role to degrade the role and suspend the user id for your Zendesk configuration in the Import field (Zendesk).


  • The username is passed after the lookup in the response mapping.
  • You will receive a deactivation email once the user is removed from the organization.


  • By default, the search criteria for the userId lookup is based on the user’s email id. You will need to configure this if the requirement for your organization differs from the default.
  • The default mapping for IsFrozen is true for your Salesforce configuration in the Import field (Salesforce).

SAP Concur Expense: The default mapping for active is for your Concur configuration in the Import field (Concur).

Microsoft Azure Active Directory: The default mapping for accountEnabled is false for your Azure configuration in the Import field (Azure).


  • Configure lookup mapping for id for your Litmos configuration in the Import field (Litmos).
  • The default mapping for active is false for your Litmos configuration in the Import field (Litmos).

Note: Both the flows and integrations can be cloned, as described in Clone flow and integration.

ADP payroll general ledger file to NetSuite journal entry

This flow helps you to automate payroll to journal entry integration, from ADP Workforce Now to NetSuite. 

Setup Instructions

Configure output (Get Payroll transaction data)

FTP: For FTP, the user has to generate a report from ADP in the format of a sample file and upload it to a FTP server.

Note: To export files to the FTP server, refer Export file to FTP server

Under settings, configure Directory Path. Configure Backup Path only if files have to be moved to this path after processing. Otherwise, this field should be left blank.


Configure input (Post journal entries to NetSuite)

  1. The default import setting of the Record type is set as Journal.

  2. Configure the subsidiary and currency fields in the mapping settings.

Add application(s)

  1. Register the connection for the application you wish to add by navigating to the Connections tab. For more details, refer Register connection.
  2. Navigate to template settings by clicking on Settings tab.
  3. Select the Provisioning tab in Settings if you wish to add a new application to provision the user access from ADP. Select the Deprovisioning tab in Settings if you wish to add a new application to de-provision user access from ADP. 

    Note: You can add only one application to one flow at a time. 

  4. Select the application from the Add application list.
  5. Navigate to the Flows tab and click on the flow group and then the flow to view and configure the additional applications.

Remove application(s)

  1. Navigate to the Flows tab and click on the flow from which you want to remove the application.
  2. Remove the import bubbles for the application you wish to remove.

Filter application(s)

  • You can filter the employee department-wise on each Input application(by adding an input filter).
    • Below is an example, in case you want to define an input filter with criteria having Associate ID and Department Numbers.
  • You can also create separate flows and add output filters to the export application.
    • Below is an example, in case you want to define an output filter with criteria having Position Status and Department Number.image__6_.png
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