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Unlock the transaction body field "CashApp Transaction"

Unlocking a field, as it is locked from the bundle, can be done only through the bundle.

Note: The latest version of Celigo CashApp Manager (40598) bundle has this field unlocked.

Below are the steps to update Celigo CashApp Manager (40598) bundle:

  1. Search for the below files in your NetSuite account and download them as a backup. When you update the bundle, these script files are updated.

    Note: If there are any changes made to these files after the bundle is installed for the first time, the changes are lost upon bundle installation.

      • Celigo.products.lockbox.userevent.NativeTransactionUserEventHandler.js
      • Celigo.products.lockbox.userevent.BatchUserEventHandler.js
      • Celigo.products.lockbox.usereventTransactionUserEventHandler.js
      • Celigo.products.lockbox.userevent.CreditMemoUserEventHandler.js
      • Celigo.products.lockbox.userevent.InvoiceUserEventHandler.js
  2. Update the bundle by navigating to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles > List and search for the bundle with id 40598
  3. Under the settings, click on Update and confirm the install updates.
  4. Once the bundle is installed, replace the files with the downloaded files.
  5. Verify that the transaction body field is unlocked now. 
  6. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body fields and search for CashApp Transaction field.
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