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Error: "Failed to create, update/transform record because Module does not exist: /Celigo_Basis.closure.js"

Question: Why is my NetSuite flow getting the following error?

Error: "Failed to create, update/transform record because Module does not exist: /Celigo_Basis.closure.js"

Answer: This error is most likely caused by an internal script that is referencing the Celigo_basis_Closure.js.


Resolve the error by removing or disabling any internal scripts that reference Celigo libraries.

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  • We encountered this issue. Resolution is to set the script context to view and declare the internal client script module from there. Note that we are not referencing the Celigo_basis_Closure.js script. The client script serves it's own purpose to another user-event.

    Please treat this issue as a defect.

  • we were getting this error but it didn't make sense that anyone on our teams would write a script referencing a Celigo library script, especially since they were locked as part of our NetSuite managed bundle. In our case we had an unrelated user event script that was using both a Before Load and a Before Submit entry point. When we removed the Before Load and just left the Before Submit, this error stopped and all prior ones were able to be retried successfully. It's not clear why NetSuite pulled the Celigo_basis_Closure.js script reference into the error message but in our case there was no direct explicit relationship between the culprit script and any Celigo library script.

  • Dan Rascoll Thanks for letting the community know how you were able to resolve the error. This solution is likely to help other Celigo customers in the future. 


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