When you configure an export, import, or other type of flow step using the prebuilt HubSpot connector, you can select any of the API operations listed below*, organized by API type.
If your API endpoint isn’t listed here, switch the flow step to HTTP mode and configure the endpoint provided in the HubSpot API documentation. *You can also create a composite endpoint for this application in HTTP mode.
Operation |
Export |
Import |
Analytics API |
Get broken down data |
X |
Get analytics data for specific objects |
X |
Get data for HubSpot hosted content |
X |
Check for the existence of analytics data for an object type |
X |
Get Events |
X |
CMS Blog API |
List blogs |
X |
Get a blog by ID |
X |
List previous versions of the blog |
X |
Get the previous version of the blog |
X |
CMS Blog Authors API |
List blog authors |
X |
Search blog authors |
X |
Get blog author by ID |
X |
Create blog author |
X |
Update blog author |
X |
Create or Update blog author |
X |
Delete blog author |
X |
CMS Blog Comments API |
List comments |
X |
Get a blog comment by ID |
X |
Create new comment |
X |
Delete the comment |
X |
Restore deleted comment |
X |
CMS Blog Post API |
List blog posts |
X |
Get a blog post by ID |
X |
Gets the current contents of the auto-save buffer |
X |
Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live blog post |
X |
List previous versions of the blog post |
X |
Get the previous version of the blog post |
X |
Create a new blog post |
X |
Update the blog post |
X |
Create or Update a blog post |
X |
Clone the blog post |
X |
Delete the blog post |
X |
Publish or unpublish a blog post |
X |
Updates the auto-save buffer |
X |
Validates the auto-save buffer version of the blog post |
X |
Copies the contents of the auto-save buffer into live blog post |
X |
Restores a previously deleted blog post |
X |
Restore a previous version of the blog post |
X |
CMS Blog Topics API |
List blog topics |
X |
Search blog topics |
X |
Get a blog topic by ID |
X |
Create blog topic |
X |
Update blog topic |
X |
Create or Update blog topic |
X |
Delete blog topic |
X |
CMS Domains API |
List domains |
X |
Get a domain by ID |
X |
CMS Files API |
List the metadata for all files |
X |
List the folder metadata |
X |
Get file metadata |
X |
Get all tables |
X |
Get details for a specific table |
X |
List previous versions of the blog |
X |
Create a new table |
X |
Clone a table |
X |
Update a table |
X |
Create or Update a table |
X |
Delete a table |
X |
Add a new row to a table |
X |
Clone a row |
X |
Update a row |
X |
Create or Update a row |
X |
Delete a row |
X |
Update a row cell |
X |
Delete a cell from a row |
X |
Publish the draft table to live |
X |
Revert the draft data for a table |
X |
CMS Layouts API |
List layouts |
X |
Get the layout by ID |
X |
Gets the current contents of the auto-save buffer |
X |
Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live layout |
X |
List previous versions of the layout |
X |
Get the previous version of the layout |
X |
CMS Page Publishing API |
List pages |
X |
Get a Page by ID |
X |
Gets the current contents of the auto-save buffer |
X |
Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live Page |
X |
List previous versions of a Page |
X |
Create a new page |
X |
Update a page |
X |
Create or Update a page |
X |
Delete a page |
X |
Updates the auto-save buffer |
X |
Clone a page |
X |
Publishes or unpublishes a Page |
X |
Copies the contents of auto-save buffer into live |
X |
Restores a previously deleted page |
X |
Validates the auto-save buffer of the Page |
X |
CMS Site Maps |
List Site Maps |
X |
Get a Site Map by ID |
X |
Gets the current contents of the auto-save buffer |
X |
Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live SiteMap |
X |
List previous versions of a SiteMap |
X |
Get the previous version of the Site Map |
X |
CMS Site Search API |
Search your site |
X |
Get indexed properties |
X |
CMS Templates API |
List Templates |
X |
Get the Template by ID |
X |
Gets the current contents of the auto-save buffer |
X |
Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live Template |
X |
List previous versions of the Template |
X |
Get the previous version of the Template |
X |
Create a new template |
X |
Update the template |
X |
Create or Update the template |
X |
Copies the contents of auto-save buffer into live |
X |
Restores a previously deleted template |
X |
CMS URL Mappings API |
List url mappings |
X |
Get the url mapping by ID |
X |
Create a new url mapping |
X |
Update the url mapping |
X |
Delete the url mapping |
X |
Create or Update a url mapping |
X |
Companies API |
Get all companies |
X |
Get recently modified companies |
X |
Get recently created companies |
X |
Get Contacts of a Company |
X |
Search for companies by domain |
X |
Get a company |
X |
Create a company |
X |
Update a company |
X |
Create or Update a company |
X |
Delete a company |
X |
Company Properties API |
Get all company properties |
X |
Get a company property |
X |
Get company property groups |
X |
Create a company property |
X |
Create a company property group |
X |
Update a company property group |
X |
Update a company property |
X |
Create or Update a specific company property |
X |
Create or Update a specific company property group |
X |
Delete a company property |
X |
Delete a company property group |
X |
Contact Lists API |
Get all contacts |
X |
Get static contact lists |
X |
Get a contact list by its unique ID |
X |
Get a group of contact lists |
X |
Get dynamic contact lists (active lists) |
X |
Get recently added contacts from a list |
X |
Create a contact list |
X |
Update a contact list |
X |
Create or Update a contact list |
X |
Delete a contact list |
X |
Add existing contacts to list |
X |
Remove an existing contact from a list |
X |
Contact Properties API |
Create a new property |
X |
Update a property |
X |
Create or Update a specific property |
X |
Create a property group |
X |
Update a property group |
X |
Create or Update a specific property group |
X |
Delete a property |
X |
Delete a property group |
X |
Contacts API |
Get all contacts |
X |
Get contact by ID |
X |
Get contact by email |
X |
Get contact by user token |
X |
Get recently created contacts |
X |
Get recently modified contacts |
X |
Get lifecycle stage metrics for contacts |
X |
Search for contacts |
X |
Get a batch of contacts by ID |
X |
Get a batch of contacts by email |
X |
Create a contact |
X |
Update a contact |
X |
Update a contact by email |
X |
Create or Update a contact |
X |
Delete a contact |
X |
Contacts Properties API |
Get all properties |
X |
Get a contact property |
X |
Get property group details |
X |
Get property groups |
X |
CRM Associations API |
Get associations for CRM object |
X |
Create CRM association |
X |
Delete CRM association |
X |
Create multiple associations between CRM objects |
X |
Delete multiple associations between CRM objects |
X |
CRM Extensions API |
View an object type |
X |
Create object type |
X |
Modify an object type |
X |
Create or Update an object type |
X |
Delete an object type |
X |
CRM Object Properties API |
Get all object properties |
X |
Get all object property groups |
X |
Create a new object property |
X |
Update an object property |
X |
Delete an object property |
X |
Create an object property group |
X |
Update an object property group |
X |
Delete an object property group |
X |
CRM Pipelines API |
Get all pipelines for a specified object type |
X |
Get a blog by ID |
X |
List previous versions of the blog |
X |
Get the previous version of the blog |
X |
Create new pipeline |
X |
Update an existing pipeline |
X |
Create or Update a pipeline |
X |
Delete an existing pipeline |
X |
Deal Properties API |
Get all deal properties |
X |
Get a deal property |
X |
Get deal groups |
X |
Get a deal group |
X |
Create a deal property |
X |
Update a deal property |
X |
Create or Update a specific deal property |
X |
Create a deal property group |
X |
Update a deal property group |
X |
Create or Update a specific deal property group |
X |
Delete a deal property |
X |
Delete a deal property group |
X |
Deals API |
Get all deals |
X |
Get recently modified deals |
X |
Get recently created deals |
X |
Get a deal |
X |
Create a deal |
X |
Update a deal |
X |
Create or Update a deal |
X |
Delete a deal |
X |
Ecommerce Bridge API |
Get ecommerce settings |
X |
Get sync errors |
X |
Check ecommerce installation |
X |
Install ecommerce settings |
X |
Uninstall ecommerce settings |
X |
Email Events API |
Get all campaign IDs for a portal |
X |
Get campaign IDs with recent activity for a portal |
X |
Get email events |
X |
Get Email Event By ID |
X |
Email Subscription API |
Get email subscription types for a Hub ID |
X |
View subscriptions timeline for a portal |
X |
Get email subscription status for an email address |
X |
Update subscription status of email address |
X |
Engagements API |
Get all engagements |
X |
Get call dispositions |
X |
Get an Engagement |
X |
Get associated engagements |
X |
Get recent engagements |
X |
Create an Engagement |
X |
Update an Engagement |
X |
Create or Update an Engagement |
X |
Delete an Engagement |
X |
Events API |
Get Events |
X |
Get Events by id |
X |
Forms API |
Get forms |
X |
Get form |
X |
Get form fields |
X |
Get a form field |
X |
Get submissions for a form |
X |
Create a form |
X |
Update a form |
X |
Create or Update a specific form |
X |
Delete a form |
X |
Line Items API |
Get all line items |
X |
Get a line item by ID |
X |
Get a log of changes for line items |
X |
Get a group of line items by ID |
X |
Create a line item |
X |
Update a line item |
X |
Create or Update a specific line item |
X |
Delete a line item |
X |
Create a group of line items |
X |
Delete a group of line items |
X |
Marketing Email API |
Get all marketing emails |
X |
Get a marketing email |
X |
Get revisions of a marketing email |
X |
Get the statistics for a marketing email |
X |
Get all marketing email statistics |
X |
Determine the buffer of a marketing email |
X |
Create a marketing email |
X |
Update a marketing email |
X |
Clone a marketing email |
X |
Create or Update a marketing email |
X |
Delete a marketing email |
X |
Restore a deleted marketing email |
X |
Owners API |
Get owners [Deprecating] |
X |
Get an owner by ID [Deprecating] |
X |
Products API |
Get all products |
X |
Get a product by ID |
X |
Get a log of changes for products |
X |
Get a group of products by ID |
X |
Create a product |
X |
Update a product |
X |
Create or Update a specific product |
X |
Delete a product |
X |
Create a group of products |
X |
Delete a group of products |
X |
Social Media API |
Get Publishing Channels |
X |
Get Broadcast Messages |
X |
Get a Broadcast Message |
X |
Create a Broadcast Message |
X |
Cancel a Broadcast Message |
X |
Tickets API |
Get all tickets |
X |
Get a ticket by ID |
X |
Get a log of changes for tickets |
X |
Get a group of tickets by ID |
X |
Create a ticket |
X |
Update a ticket |
X |
Create or Update a tickets |
X |
Delete a tickets |
X |
Create a group of tickets |
X |
Delete a group of tickets |
X |
Timeline API |
Get the details for an existing event |
X |
Get timeline event types |
X |
Get properties for event type |
X |
Create or Update a group of timeline event |
X |
Create new timeline event type |
X |
Update a timeline event type |
X |
Create or Update a timeline event type |
X |
Delete timeline event type |
X |
Create property for event type |
X |
Update property for event type |
X |
Delete property for event type |
X |
Workflows API |
Get all workflows |
X |
Get specific workflows |
X |
Current enrollments |
X |
Get performance stats for a workflow |
X |
Enroll a contact into a workflow |
X |
Unenroll a contact from a workflow |
X |
Delete a workflow |
X |
Log events |
X |
Create a workflow |
X |
Operation |
Export |
Import |
CMS API: Blog Authors |
Get all Blog Authors |
X |
Retrieve a Blog Author |
X |
Create |
X |
Update |
X |
Create or Update |
X |
Delete a Blog Author |
X |
CMS API: Blog Tags |
Get all Blog Tags |
X |
Retrieve a Blog Tag |
X |
Create |
X |
Update a Blog Tag |
X |
Create or Update |
X |
Delete a Blog Tag |
X |
CMS API: Domains |
Get Current Domains |
X |
Get a Single Domain |
X |
CMS API: Files |
Search files |
X |
Get file by ID |
X |
Get signed URL to access private file |
X |
Search folders |
X |
Get folder by ID |
X |
Get folder by path |
X |
Check import status |
X |
Check folder update status |
X |
Import a file from a URL into the file manager |
X |
Create folder |
X |
Update file properties |
X |
Update folder properties |
X |
Delete file by ID |
X |
GDRP delete file |
X |
Delete folder by path |
X |
Delete folder by ID |
X |
CMS API: URL redirects |
Get current redirects |
X |
Get details for a redirect |
X |
Create a Redirect |
X |
Update a Redirect |
X |
Create or Update a redirect |
X |
Delete a Redirect |
X |
CRM API: Associations |
List association types |
X |
Read a batch of associations |
X |
Archive a batch of associations |
X |
Create a batch of associations |
X |
CRM API: Companies |
List |
X |
Search for Companies |
X |
Read |
X |
List associations of a company by type |
X |
Read a batch of companies by internal ID, or unique property values |
X |
Create |
X |
Update |
X |
Create or Update |
X |
Archive |
X |
Associate two companies |
X |
Remove an association between two companies |
X |
Archive a batch of companies by ID |
X |
Create a batch of companies |
X |
Update a batch of companies |
X |
CRM API: Contacts |
List |
X |
Read |
X |
List associations of contact by type |
X |
Search for contacts |
X |
Read a batch of contacts by internal ID, or unique property values |
X |
Create |
X |
Update |
X |
Create or Update |
X |
Archive |
X |
Associate two contacts |
X |
Remove an association between two contacts |
X |
Archive a batch of contacts by ID |
X |
Create a batch of contacts |
X |
Update a batch of contacts |
X |
CRM API: Custom Objects |
List all custom objects |
X |
Search for Custom Object |
X |
Read a custom object |
X |
Create a Custom Objects |
X |
Update a Custom Objects |
X |
Create or Update a Custom Object |
X |
Archive a custom object |
X |
CRM API: Deals |
List |
X |
Search for Deals |
X |
Read |
X |
List associations of a deal by type |
X |
Read a batch of deals by internal ID, or unique property values |
X |
Create |
X |
Update |
X |
Create or Update |
X |
Archive |
X |
Associate two deals |
X |
Remove an association between two deals |
X |
Archive a batch of deals by ID |
X |
Create a batch of deals |
X |
Update a batch of deals |
X |
CRM API: Line Items |
List |
X |
Search for Line Items |
X |
Read |
X |
List associations of a line item by type |
X |
Read a batch of line items by internal ID, or unique property values |
X |
Create |
X |
Update |
X |
Create or Update |
X |
Archive |
X |
Associate two line items |
X |
Remove an association between two line items |
X |
Archive a batch of line items by ID |
X |
Create a batch of line items |
X |
Update a batch of line items |
X |
CRM API: Owners |
Get a page of owners |
X |
Read an owner by given id or userId |
X |
CRM API: Pipelines |
Retrieve all pipelines |
X |
Return a pipeline by ID |
X |
Return all stages of a pipeline |
X |
Return a pipeline stage by ID |
X |
Create a pipeline |
X |
Update a pipeline |
X |
Create or Update a pipeline |
X |
Replace a pipeline |
X |
Archive a pipeline |
X |
Create a pipeline stage |
X |
Update a pipeline stage |
X |
Replace a pipeline stage |
X |
Create or Update a pipeline stage |
X |
Archive a pipeline stage |
X |
CRM API: Products |
List |
X |
Search for Products |
X |
Read |
X |
List associations of products by type |
X |
Read a batch of products by internal ID, or unique property values |
X |
Create |
X |
Update |
X |
Create or Update |
X |
Archive |
X |
Associate two products |
X |
Remove an association between two products |
X |
Archive a batch of products by ID |
X |
Create a batch of products |
X |
Update a batch of products |
X |
CRM API: Properties |
Read all properties |
X |
Read a property |
X |
Read all property groups |
X |
Read a property group |
X |
Read a batch of properties |
X |
Create a property |
X |
Update a property |
X |
Create or Update a property |
X |
Archive a property |
X |
Create a property group |
X |
Update a property group |
X |
Create or Update a property group |
X |
Archive a property group |
X |
Archive a batch of properties |
X |
Create a batch of properties |
X |
CRM API: Tickets |
List |
X |
Search for Tickets |
X |
Read |
X |
List associations of tickets by type |
X |
Read a batch of tickets by internal ID, or unique property values |
X |
Create |
X |
Update |
X |
Create or Update |
X |
Archive |
X |
Associate two tickets |
X |
Remove an association between two tickets |
X |
Archive a batch of tickets by ID |
X |
Create a batch of tickets |
X |
Update a batch of tickets |
X |
Quotes |
List |
X |
Search |
X |
Read |
X |
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