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Sync orders from NetSuite to Shopify

Order: NetSuite to Shopify flow allows you to sync orders created in NetSuite to Shopify. This flow is most useful when there is a requirement to push business-to-business wholesale orders, phone orders, and even a one-time push of legacy orders from NetSuite ERP to Shopify.

Note: This integration flow is only supported with the premium (previously "enterprise") edition of the Integration App.

Once an order is created in NetSuite and this batch flow is executed, a request is made by the Integrator platform to NetSuite to retrieve information pertaining to all the new orders as defined in the Field Mappings option associated with the Order flow. Once this information is retrieved, the flow then creates the corresponding orders in Shopify. Once an order is created in Shopify, the Integration App brings that Shopify Order Id back into NetSuite. This allows easy identification of the corresponding order in Shopify and also prevents the re-export of the same order.

This batch flow can be scheduled to run as often as once every 15 minutes; however, only one instance of a flow can run at a time (That is, you cannot run the same flow more than once at the same time. If a flow is still running when it is scheduled to run again, it will simply queue itself up and run when the currently running instance completes.)

Prerequisite settings to run the Order flow

The following are the recommended configurations and settings that must be completed in Shopify-NetSuite Integration App before you execute this flow:

  1. Ensure you have an SKU in NetSuite that also exists in Shopify with the same SKU name/number. You can leverage the flows in the Product section of the Integration App to ensure that your item in Shopify is always in sync with NetSuite.
  2. Navigate to the Integration App settings page in the in the Order section, from the Settings > Order > Order To Shopify tab
  3. Select the appropriate saved searches and drop-down list value, and click Save. mceclip0.png
  4. From Flows > Order section, click the mceclip1.png Off /On switch to enable NetSuite Order to Shopify Order Add flow.
  5. Click Schedule (mceclip2.png) to sync data automatically. The frequency to sync the data automatically can be customized using presets from 15 minutes to once a week or by selecting a duration of your choice. To know how to schedule the order data flow, see Scheduling flows.
  6. Click Field Mappings (mceclip3.png) and verify, update, or add field mappings as per your requirements.

Criteria for NetSuite order selection during flow run

The Celigo Shopify Order Export Search record in NetSuite controls which NetSuite orders, among all the order records present in NetSuite, are selected by the flow to be processed. The following screenshot of Celigo Shopify Order Export Search in NetSuite displays the criteria based on which the NetSuite order record is selected:


Impact of the flow run on order record in NetSuite

Once the NetSuite Order to Shopify Order Add flow is triggered and an order is created in Shopify, the following information pertaining to the Shopify order is also brought back into NetSuite:

  • ETAIL ORDER ID: This field is updated with the Shopify order ID once the order created in NetSuite is successfully created in Shopify as well by the Integration App.
  • ETAIL ORDER LINE ID: The ETAIL ORDER LINE ID field in the Items tab is updated.
  • ETAIL ORDER EXPORTED: Once the order is selected by the flow to be processed, this checkbox is marked as selected by the Integration App in the order record under the eTail tab
  • ETAIL ORDER TOTAL VARIANCE: The Total variance value between NetSuite order details and Shopify order details is stored in this field of the NetSuite order record in the eTail


The Integration App includes the following advanced settings that empower you to fine-tune the out of the box Integration App per your business needs:

Settings > Order > Order To Shopify: NetSuite Saved Search for syncing orders to Shopify

Settings > Order > Order To Shopify: Shopify order source name mceclip0.png

Settings > Order > Order: NetSuite item to track Shopify shipping cost as a line item mceclip1.png

Settings > Order > Tax: NetSuite item to track Shopify tax amount as a line item

Limitation: The order flow in the integration app does not support setting different default tax codes based on country. However, you can hardcode the HST or PST tax values to zero and club them under GST for collective reporting.


The last two advanced settings from the Order tab are optional. If you wish to use these settings the following changes are required in the mappings section:

  1. Click the mceclip3.png  Field mappings icon against the NetSuite Order to Shopify Order Add flow. A dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the Order Add To Shopify
  3. From the existing mappings, delete the tax_lines mapping as highlighted in the following image. mceclip3.png
  4. Add the 3 new mappings to the mapping page as shown in the following image: mceclip4.png
  5. Click Save & Close.

To understand each of the available settings in detail, click Order: NetSuite to Shopify Advanced Settings.

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