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Sync specific orders to NetSuite using Shopify tags

You can select orders to be processed with specific tags in Shopify. Using those tags you can add a filter in the Shopify order to NetSuite order (cash sale or sales order) flow so the Integration App can select which orders to import when the flow runs.

Note: Be sure that you enter the tags correctly in Shopify records

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click Shopify - NetSuite integration app.
  3. Go to Flows > Order section.
  4. Click Shopify order to NetSuite order (cash sale or sales order) flow.
  5. On the Flow Builder page, in the "Post orders as cash sales or sales orders to NetSuite" import, click +DefineOpt.png
  6. It enables the Input Filter option. Click Input Filter.
  7. Add the name of the tag used on the Shopify record.
  8. Click Save & close.
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  • I am using this exact same example and order with no tags are still being ignored

  • Tavano Team Thank you for reaching out. May I kindly request that you submit a support ticket for further review and assistance?


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