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Find Access Token, Store HASH, and Client ID information from BigCommerce account

You can access the Access Token, Store HASH, and Client ID information while creating a new API account in BigCommerce. To access this information, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to your BigCommerce account. 
  2. From the left pane, select Advanced Settings > API Accounts. The Store API Accounts page is displayed.
  3. Click Create API Account. The Create API account page is displayed.
  4. Enter the API account name in the Name textbox and make the selection as shown in the following image for Oauth Scopes:
    10.jpgYou can find the Store HASH information from the API Path text box. For example, if the value displayed in the API Path textbox is:
    The Stare HASH is the value between /stores/ and /v3/ in the API Path. That is g3uz5c7jx.
  5. Click Save. The BigCommerce API Credential page is displayed that contains Access Token and Client ID.



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